Cut, Copy, Paste Help

Depending on your operating system and version of Java, you can use the PST cut, copy and paste buttons or (Unix and PC) keyboard shortcuts for editing.

The PST Cut, Copy, Paste Buttons

PST "Cut", "Copy" and "Paste" are icons/buttons that perform editing functions on text in a text area box. Text area boxes are white areas in which you can type text e.g. your SCIENTIFIC JUSTIFICATION or TECHNICAL JUSTIFICATION.

Cut Icon

The Cut Button

The "Cut" button copies the current highlighted text area (highlighted by clicking at the start of the text and dragging the cursor over the text to be highlighted) to the clipboard and removes it from the current highlighted location in the text area. The clipboard is an internal working area to the PIT where cut and copied text are temporarily stored. Click on the link above to see an example of a highlighted text area. Once removed, the cut text can be re-inserted anywhere in the document using the "Paste" icon/button (see below). If the cut button is clicked again, the buffer is overwritten and the previous selection is lost.

Copy Icon

The Copy Button

The "Copy" button copies the current highlighted text area to the clipboard but leaves the highlighted text in the document (unlike "Cut" which removes it). Click on the link above to see an example of a highlighted text area. The copied text can be inserted anywhere in the document using the "Paste" icon/button (see below).

Paste Icon

The Paste Button

The "Paste" button inserts the text currently on the clipboard into the text area at the current location of the cursor. The text in the clipboard was placed there using the "Cut" or "Copy" icon/buttons (see above). The text remains on the clipboard to allow multiple copies of it to be placed in the document and is only removed from it when new text is cut or copied onto the clipboard.

Cut and Paste from Unix Windows Outside of PST

Due to differences in cut/paste buffers between the various operating systems with PST releases and the Java Virtual Environment, cutting and pasting between external windows (e.g. xterms on Unix) and PST text boxes (e.g. the scientific justification text window) does not behave as might be expected. Below are guidelines for the use of cut/paste between external windows/programs and PIT text boxes.

To cut from an xterm or edit window (emacs, vi etc) on a Unix machine and paste into a PST text box, highlight the text in the xterm with the cursor (left button drag) and hit the 'Copy' button on the Sun keyboard (on the left side function pad). Go into the PST text window where you want the text to be pasted and hit keyboard ctrl-v. The selection will be pasted into the PST text box. This is the only cut/paste option that will work with the Unix/Solaris PIT distribution.

Cut and Paste from PC Windows Outside of PST

The keyboard shortcuts ctrl-x (cut), crtl-c (copy) and crtl-v (paste) work with Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000.