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Location is exactly "VLA Site, NM"
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Start Date:2014-11-18
End Date:2014-11-23
Location:VLA Site, NM
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Type:Still Image
Description:A collection of original prints of photographs taken during the 2014 Festival of Cranes in Socorro. The photo contest features photography taken at the VLA site. The photograph contest was a joint venture of Friends of the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge and NRAO. Two photographs are at unknown or unremarked photographers, but are assumed to be among the winners. Also including contest winners Meggi Raeder, Bob Fugate, and Ed MacKerrow, and a listing but no known photography from contest runner up Urey Lemen. [show more]
Start Date:1984-11-05
Location:VLA Site, NM
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Description:The 500th move of a VLA antenna took place on 5 November 1984. The cartoon, drawn by Paul Harden, commemorates the milestone event and the dedication of the transporter crews. The crews braved scorching sun and blowing snow (and probably blowing sand), as well as wobbling tracks (and sometimes broken ones as the cartoon suggests) to move antennas to a new location. The transporters at that time were named Hein's Trein and CamTrak, honoring long-time NRAO staff members Hein Hvatum and Cam Wade. Photograph of original cartoon drawn by Paul Harden. [show more]
Start Date:1989
Location:VLA Site, NM
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:VLA Unit
Subunit:Voyager Project Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Slide
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Description:The VLA was used with Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Deep Space Network in Goldstone CA to track NASA’s Voyager 2 encounter with Neptune in August 1989.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Stanzione, Guy
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Guy Stanzione speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Bracewell pillars with chiseled signatures.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Sullivan, Woodruff T., III
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Woody Sullivan speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Peck, Alison
Goss, Miller
Lang, Cornelia
van Gorkom, Jacqueline
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Miller Goss and some of his PhD students: Chris DePree, Alison Peck, Miller Goss, Cornelia Lang, Jacqueline van Gorkom.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Sullivan, Woodruff T., III
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Woody Sullivan speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Saavedra, Leo
Goss, Miller
del Solare, Cristina
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Leo Saavedra, Miller Goss, Cristina del Solare.
Start Date:2023-09028
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Bracewell, Mark
Sullivan, Woodruff T., III
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Mark Bracewell and Woody Sullivan discuss Sullivan's wrist sundial tattoo and how to use it.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Speaker and audience reflected in the sundial gnomon.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Stanley, Judy
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Judy Stanley speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Lash, Robert
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Bob Lash speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Close-up of solar noon at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Goss, Miller
Bracewell, Mark
Bouton, Ellen
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Bob Lash, Miller Goss, Mark Bracewell, and Ellen Bouton at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Sullivan, Woodruff T., III
Wendt, Harry
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Woody Sullivan and Harry Wendt count down to solar noon at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Sullivan, Woodruff T., III
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Woody Sullivan speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Sullivan, Woodruff T., III
Wendt, Harry
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Woody Sullivan and Harry Wendt announce solar noon at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Goss, Miller
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Miller Goss speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:2023-09-28
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Pawsey, Hastings
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell
Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series
Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit
Subunit:Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary Subunit
Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial
Description:Hastings Pawsey speaking at the Bracewell Sundial 10th Anniversary celebration.
Start Date:1976-09-24
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Clark, Barry
Blankenship, Linda
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Facilities--VLA--Array Site
Description:In late September 1976, with early VLA construction happening outside, Barry Clark and Linda Blankenship [Sowinski] work at the site. Barry recalls that his terminal was a SuperBee, connected to the Modcomp real-time system, and that the terminal on the table to his left was connected to the Dec-10. Both were dumb terminals connected to rack-sized computers. [show more]
Start Date:1973-08-31
Location:VLA Site, NM
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Description:Before any VLA construction began, there was extensive soil testing at the site in the center and along all the proposed arms. Environmental engineering firms, geologists from New Mexico Tech, several local drilling companies, and local excavators were all involved in the multi-month process, and many core samples were extracted for analysis. In this 31 August 1973 photo, the rig from Albuquerque Testing is drilling a test hole on the southwest arm to extract core samples. The Lorenzo well is in the background. [show more]
Start Date:1989
Location:VLA Site, NM
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:VLA Unit
Subunit:Voyager Project Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Slide
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Description:After the Voyager Project, the receiver was then used for X-band science until replaced by a wider bandwidth X-band receiver as part of the EVLA Project.
The VLA was used with Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Deep Space Network in Goldstone CA to track NASA’s Voyager 2 encounter with Neptune in August 1989. [show more]
Start Date:1989
Location:VLA Site, NM
People:Latasa, Rudy
Ortiz, Joe
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:VLA Unit
Subunit:Voyager Project Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Slide
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Description:Rudy Latasa and Joe Ortiz.
The VLA was used with Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Deep Space Network in Goldstone CA to track NASA’s Voyager 2 encounter with Neptune in August 1989.
Start Date:2005-11-13
Location:VLA Site, NM
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:VLA Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--Very Large Array (VLA)
Description:Distant view of the VLA photographed on November 13th 2005.