Start Date:1960-10-14 Location:Cambridge, England People:Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Cambridge University Series Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:B&W print |
Description:Alan H. Bridle at Cambridge University admissions ceremony for Entrance Scholars, 14 October 1960
Start Date:2008-10-31 People:Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Retirements Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Employees |
Description:At Retirement Lunch, 31 October 2008
Start Date:1981-07-29 Location:Socorro, NM People:Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:NRAO Social Events Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Employees |
Description:This photo was taken at Gareth Hunt's house on 29 July 1981. The occasion was a gathering that Gareth organized to mark that day's Royal Wedding (of Prince Charles and Princess Diana) at which guests were encouraged to dress up as if for a royal wedding Socorro style. [show more]
Start Date:2007-03-15 People:Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Queen's University Series Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Paper document |
Description:2007 Bridle with IET 'D for degrees' award
Start Date:1998 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Cotton, Bill Hogg, David E. Turner, Barry Petty, Monroe Schlemerer, Tessy Liszt, Harvey Simon, Richard Schiebel, Darrell Garwood, Bob Marks, Sheila Wiseman, Jennifer Schulman, Eric Hendricks, Mary Jo Dodson, Gail Mattox, Billie Jo Brown, David Shepherd, Amy Wells, Don Swain, Mark King, Lee Condon, James J. Yin, Qifeng Roberts, Morton S. Uphoff, Jeff Murphy, Patrick Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Type:Still Image Subject:Employees |
Description:This photograph is a mystery - it was taken in Charlottesville in late spring or early summer 1998, but none of the people in the photo have any recollection of what the occasion/event was! Everyone pictured was at Edgemont Rd., and they represent computing, HR, business, scientific staff, post-docs, pre-docs, library, and Director's Office. Back row, left to right: Bill Cotton, Dave Hogg, Alan Bridle, Barry Turner, Monroe Petty, Tess Schlemmer, Harvey Liszt, Richard Simon, Darrel Schiebel, Bob Garwood. Middle row, left to right: Sheila Marks, Jennifer Wiseman, Eric Schulman, Mary Jo Hendricks, Gail Dodson, Billie Jo Mattox, David Brown, Amy Shepherd. Front row, left to right: Don Wells, Mark Swain, Lee King, Jim Condon, Qifeng Yin, Mort Roberts, Jeff Uphoff, Pat Murphy. [show more]
Start Date:1984 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Seielstad, George A. Hogg, David E. Wells, Don Brown, David Moffat, Alan T. Kellermann, Kenneth I. Bignell, Carl Wilson, Robert Burns, Robert Hvatum, Hein Roberts, Morton S. Hunt, Gareth Duquet, Bob Vance, Bob Meredith, Bill Schwab, Fred Benson, John Bremenkamp, Victor Brenner, Alfred Brouw, Wim Burch, Joe Cornwell, Tim Cotton, Bill Drake, Margaret Farris, Allen Fickling, Gary Green, Paul Greisen, Eric Hilldrup. Kerry King, Dale King, Kenneth Kunz, Paul McDonald, Henry Patterson, Stuart Patton, Peter Retallack, Don Ris, Fred Romney, Jon Sowinski, Ken Stinebring, Dan Walker, Craig Wiener, Nancy Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Computing and Information Services Series Unit:General Materials Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:B&W print |
Description:The NRAO Computer Advisory Group, a group of outside experts who were asked to advise on long-range computing plans for NRAO, met in 1982 at the VLA site, and met again in Green Bank in September 1984. This photo is from the 1984 meeting.Seated are the nine members of the Committee, along with Margaret Drake, on the left, one of the official visitors. L-R: Margaret Drake, Stuart Patterson, Wim Brouw, Henry McDonald, Alfred Brenner, Fred Ris, Paul Green, Paul Kunz, Peter Patton, Kenneth King.Standing from the left: George Seielstad, Dale King, Dan Stinebring, Dave Hogg, Eric Greisen, Kerry Hilldrup, Don Wells, Bill Cotton behind Wells, Victor Bremenkamp, David Brown, Alan Moffet, Ken Kellermann, Carl Bignell, Bob Wilson, Bob Burns, Hein Hvatum behind Burns, Mort Roberts, Ken Sowinski behind Roberts, Don Retallack, Gareth Hunt, Allen Farris, Bob Duquet, Gary Fickling, Bob Vance, Jon Romney, Tim Cornwell, Bill Meredith, Craig Walker, Joe Burch, unknown hidden behind Burch, Alan Bridle, Nancy Wiener, Fred Schwab, John Benson. [show more]
Start Date:2005-09-30 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Lockman, Jay Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Employees Unit Subunit:Retirements Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Retirements |
Description:Retirement dinner for Dave Hogg, 29 September 2005. Alan Bridle and Jay Lockman
Start Date:1983-07-29 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Wiener, Nancy Lane, Adair Stinebring, Dan Williams, Barbara Turner, Barry Ulvestad, James Burns, Robert Armstrong, John Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:NRAO Social Events Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Employees |
Description:The NRAO Charlottesville library and adjoining breezeway were for many years the venue for various parties and celebrations. This 29 July 1983 event was a farewell to Sarah Stevens-Rayburn as she left the NRAO library for the STScI library. From the left: Nancy Wiener (white shirt), Adair Lane (blue and white shirt, back to camera), Dan Stinebring, Barbara Williams, Barry Turner. Standing behind the table: Jim Ulvestad (red shirt with tie), Bob Burns, Alan Bridle. Tom Armstrong (red shirt, no tie) is on the right. [show more]
Start Date:2007-06 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Willis, Tony Bridle, Mary Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium |
Description:Tony Willis, Mary Bridle, Alan Bridle
Start Date:2007-06 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium |
Description:Alan Bridle in audience
Start Date:1996-00-00 People:Bridle, Alan H. Fleming, Richard |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Photographs Series Type:Still Image |
Description:Alan Bridle with Richard Fleming at Green Bank
Start Date:2011-12-15 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Runion, Gene Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Photographs Series Type:Still Image |
Description:Gene Runion and Alan Bridle at Runion retirement party
Start Date:1985-10-00 People:Bridle, Alan H. Laing, Robert |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Photographs Series Type:Still Image |
Description:Alan Bridle and Robert Laing at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, Herstmonceux Castle, England, while writing M84 paper (MNRAS, 1987)
Start Date:1986-00-00 People:Bridle, Alan H. Owen, Frazer Hardee, Phil Schreier, Ethan Laing, Robert |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Photographs Series Type:Still Image |
Description:Alan Bridle, Frazer Owen, Phil Hardee, Ethan Schreier, and Robert Laing on hike at Aspen Workshop
Start Date:1985-10-00 People:Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Photographs Series Type:Still Image |
Description:On the Bridle Path at Herstmonceux Castle, Royal Greenwich Observatory, England
Start Date:1981-07-29 Location:Socorro, NM People:Bridle, Mary Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Photographs Series Type:Still Image |
Description:Mary and Alan Bridle at 'Royal Wedding' Party in Gareth Hunt's home in Socorro. The occasion was a gathering that Gareth organized to mark that day's Royal Wedding (of Prince Charles and Princess Diana) at which guests were encouraged to dress up as if for a royal wedding Socorro style. [show more]
Start Date:1973-08-00 People:Bridle, Alan H. Fomalont, Ed |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Photographs Series Type:Still Image |
Description:Alan Bridle and Ed Fomalont in the Green Bank library, 1973
Start Date:1970-07-00 People:Ryder, Arlie McLaughlin, Neil Coleman, Patrick Waybright, William Galford, Dewey Snyder, Lewis C. Bridle, Alan H. Rexrode, Charles |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Photographs Series Type:Still Image |
Description:Photo from The Observer, v. 10, no. 4, page 30, new employee feature: Bridle as summer visitor in Green Bank. Front row, left to right: Arlie Ryder, Neil McLaughlin, Patrick Coleman, William Waybright; back row: Dewey Galford, Lewis Snyder, Alan Bridle, Charles Rexrode [show more]
Location:Green Bank, WV People:Henriksen, Dick Konigl, Arieh Benford, Greg Rudnick, Larry Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Miscellaneous Meetings Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative Subject:Events--Conferences |
Description:The NRAO-hosted July 1984 workshop on "Physics of Energy Transport in Extragalactic Radio Sources" was held, in its entirety, in the upstairs lounge of the Green Bank residence hall. Workshop organizer Alan Bridle says, "It was at a time during which the basic physics of jet propagation and stability, including the role of boundary layer turbulence and mixing, were only just beginning to be appreciated by radio astronomers and astrophysicists although they were well known in fluid dynamics and to engineers dealing with practical jets (e.g. to those trying to reduce noise from jet aircraft engines). Larry Rudnick set up a simple demonstration of several basic phenomena by injecting a gravity-fed 'jet' of a heavy green fluid (a saturated saline solution with added food coloring) into a carafe of water. This simple demo made it easy to observe some of the dynamics of a two-fluid mixing process while adjusting a few parameters, albeit in a regime of velocities, densities and Reynolds numbers far removed from the astrophysical one owing to budget restrictions and concerns for the safety of the citizens of Pocahontas County." Observing and discussing the "Jolly Green Jet" are: Bottom right: Dick Henriksen, Larry Rudnick and Greg Benford. Bottom left: Alan Bridle, Arieh Konigl, Henriksen and Rudnick. Top left: Bridle and Henriksen. Top right: Konigl and Bridle. [show more]
Start Date:1979-00-00 People:Menon, T. Kochu Bridle, Alan H. van der Laan, Harry |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Queen's University Series Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Paper document |
Description:T.K. Menon, Alan Bridle, H. van der Laan, IAU Montreal, 1979
Start Date:2006-07-19 People:Bridle, Alan H. Henriksen, Dick |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Queen's University Series Type:Still Image |
Description:Dick Henriksen and Alan Bridle at HenriksenFest Banquet, BanRigh Hall, 19 July 2006
Start Date:2006-07-19 People:Irwin, Judith Henriksen, Dick Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Queen's University Series Type:Still Image |
Description:Judith Irwin, Dick Henriksen, and Alan Bridle at Henriksen home, 19 July 2006
Start Date:2006-07-19 People:Irwin, Judith Henriksen, Dick Bridle, Alan H. |
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle Series:Queen's University Series Type:Still Image |
Description:Judith Irwin, Dick Henriksen, and Alan Bridle at Henriksen home, 19 July 2006
Start Date:2002-10-11 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Aller, Hugh Bridle, Alan H. Laing, Robert Kogan, Leonid Cohen, Marshall |
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann Series:Conferences and Talks Series Unit:Conference Photographs Unit Subunit:Radio Astronomy at the Fringe Subunit Type:Still Image |
Description:Back to front and left to right: Hugh Aller, Alan Bridle, Robert Laing, Leonid Kogan, Marshall Cohen.
Start Date:2010-11-30 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Bridle, Alan H. Perley, Rick |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Retirements Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Retirements |
Description:Alan Bridle, Rick Perley.