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Start Date:2010-11-30
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Hunt, Gareth
Bridle, Alan H.
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:NRAO Employees Unit
Subunit:Retirements Subunit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:Gareth Hunt, Alan Bridle.
Start Date:1964-00-00
Location:Cambridge, England
People:Bridle, Alan H.
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle
Series:Cambridge University Series
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W print
Description:Photograph taken at the old Rifle Range (3C) Observatory in 1964-1965 while Bridle was measuring the radio background spectrum for Ph.D. thesis. Bridle working on 81.5 MHz array at the Rifle Range.
Start Date:1964-00-00
Location:Cambridge, England
People:Bridle, Alan H.
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle
Series:Cambridge University Series
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W print
Description:Photograph taken at the old Rifle Range (3C) Observatory in 1964-1965 while Bridle was measuring the radio background spectrum for Ph.D. thesis. Bridle inspecting shoe damage at the Rifle Range.
Start Date:1964-00-00
Location:Cambridge, England
People:Bridle, Alan H.
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle
Series:Cambridge University Series
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W print
Description:Photograph taken at the old Rifle Range (3C) Observatory in 1964-1965 while Bridle was measuring the radio background spectrum for Ph.D. thesis. Bridle making joints in the 81.5 MHz array at the Rifle Range.
Start Date:1964-00-00
Location:Cambridge, England
People:Bridle, Alan H.
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle
Series:Cambridge University Series
Type:Still Image
Description:Photograph taken at the old Rifle Range (3C) Observatory in 1964-1965 while Bridle was measuring the radio background spectrum for Ph.D. thesis. Bridle in the Rifle Range lab with galactic background receivers.
Start Date:1964-00-00
Location:Cambridge, England
People:Bridle, Alan H.
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle
Series:Cambridge University Series
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W print
Description:1964 Cavendish Laboratory Honors Physics class and teachers; Bridle front row 5th from right. Additional file includes photo identifications.