Start Date:1975-01-13 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Petty, Monroe Shank, Bill Roberts, Morton S. Clark, Barry Sutton, Shep Mann, Toby Howard, William E., III Coe, Jim Meredith, Bill |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Awards |
Description:Ten year award recipients - 1964 hires. From left: ?, Monroe Petty, Bill Shank, Mort Roberts, Barry Clark, Shep Sutton, Toby Mann, Bill Howard, Jim Coe, ?, ?, Bill Meredith, ?
Start Date:1975-01-13 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Petty, Monroe Shank, Bill Roberts, Morton S. Clark, Barry Sutton, Shep Mann, Toby Howard, William E., III Coe, Jim Meredith, Bill |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Awards |
Description:Ten year award recipients - 1964 hires. From left: ?, Monroe Petty, Bill Shank, Mort Roberts, Barry Clark, Shep Sutton, Toby Mann, Bill Howard, Jim Coe, ?, ?, Bill Meredith, ?
Start Date:1975-01-13 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Roberts, Morton S. Mann, Toby Shank, Bill Sutton, Shep Coe, Jim Clark, Barry Howard, William E., III |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Awards |
Description:Ten year award recipients - 1964 hires - detail. Front: Mort Roberts, Toby Mann; middle row: Bill Shank, Shep Sutton, Jim Coe; back row: Barry Clark, Bill Howard
Start Date:1993-11-00 Location:Socorro, NM People:Heeschen, David S. Goss, Miller Clark, Barry Campbell, Jack |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Color print |
Description:Dave Heeschen, Miller Goss (behind Heeschen), Barry Clark, Jack Campbell at Heeschen's 1993 Jansky Lecture in Socorro.
Start Date:1958 End Date:1981 People:Moffat, Alan T. Kellermann, Kenneth I. Pawsey, Joseph L. Clark, Barry Bolton, John |
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann Series:Photographs Series Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Color print B&W print |
Description:Photos given to Ken Kellermann by Letty Bolton at the Caltech 40th Anniversary in 1996.
People:Rickett, Barney Clark, Barry |
Creator:Papers of Ronald N. Bracewell Series:Additional Materials About Bracewell Series Unit:Bracewell Sundial at the VLA Unit Type:Still Image Subject:Instruments--Bracewell Radio Sundial |
Description:Radio astronomers Barney Rickett and Barry Clark stand by the signatures that they had chiseled into the Stanford piers under Bracewell's supervision a half century before.
Start Date:1970 People:Clark, Barry Anderson, Bob |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Type:Still Image Subject:Equipment Employees |
Description:Barry Clark (left) examines digital recording equipment from the Leach Corporation with Leach engineer Bob Anderson
Start Date:1969-10-00 Location:Crimea, USSR People:Clark, Barry |
Creator:Papers of Barry G. Clark Series:Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Series Unit:Early VLBI Experiments Unit Type:Still Image |
Description:Barry Clark at the Lebedev Physical Institute's 22 meter radio telescope in Crimea during the US/USSR VLBI observations in October 1969.
Start Date:2009-08-05 Location:Rio de Janeiro, Brazil People:Clark, Barry |
Creator:Papers of Barry G. Clark Series:Miscellany Series Type:Still Image |
Description:For his many pioneering developments in radio interferometry and synthesis imaging, Clark received the 2009 Grote Reber Gold Medal.
Start Date:1965-00-00 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Clark, Barry Clark, Betty |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Bertil Höglund Photographs Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Social events |
Description:Fasching party, hosted by the von Hoerners. Barry Clark, [unidentified], Betty Clark.
Start Date:1976-09-24 Location:VLA Site, NM People:Clark, Barry Blankenship, Linda |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:VLA Unit Type:Still Image Subject:Facilities--VLA--Array Site Computers |
Description:In late September 1976, with early VLA construction happening outside, Barry Clark and Linda Blankenship [Sowinski] work at the site. Barry recalls that his terminal was a SuperBee, connected to the Modcomp real-time system, and that the terminal on the table to his left was connected to the Dec-10. Both were dumb terminals connected to rack-sized computers. [show more]
Start Date:2005-09-30 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Cotton, Bill Hvatum, Hein Clark, Barry Lockman, Jay |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Employees Unit Subunit:Retirements Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Retirements |
Description:"Hoggfest" 30 September 2005. Bill Cotton, Hein Hvatum, Barry Clark, Jay Lockman
Start Date:2005-09-30 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Clark, Barry Vanden Bout, Paul |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Employees Unit Subunit:Retirements Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Retirements |
Description:Retirement dinner for Dave Hogg, 29 September 2005. Barry Clark and Paul Vanden Bout
Start Date:2008-08-07 Location:Socorro, NM People:Clark, Barry Sowinski, Ken Rupen, Michael Ryan, Kevin McKinnon, Mark Perley, Rick Frej, Hichem Ben |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:EVLA/JVLA Unit Type:Still Image Subject:Instruments--Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) |
Description:On 7 August 2008, the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) took a giant step toward completion with successful testing of advanced digital hardware designed to combine signals from its upgraded radio-telescope antennas to produce high resolution images of celestial objects. Seated, front to back: Barry Clark, Ken Sowinski, Michael Rupen, Kevin Ryan. Standing, front to rear: Mark McKinnon, Rick Perley, Hichem Ben Frej. [show more]
Start Date:1997 Location:Socorro, NM People:Moran, James M. Jauncey, David Cohen, Marshall Kellermann, Kenneth I. Burke, Bernard F. Clark, Barry |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Director's Office Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia, and Lectures Unit Subunit:Conferences, Symposia, and Colloquia Subunit Type:Text |
Start Date:1969-10-00 Location:Crimea, USSR People:Cohen, Marshall Moiseyev, Ivan Clark, Barry |
Creator:Papers of Barry G. Clark Series:Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Series Unit:Early VLBI Experiments Unit Type:Still Image |
Description:Marshall Cohen, Ivan Moisoyev, and Barry Clark at the Lebedev Physical Institute's 22 meter radio telescope in Crimea during the first US/USSR VLBI experiment in October 1969.
Start Date:2007-06 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:van der Laan, Harry Clark, Barry Roberts, Morton S. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium |
Description:Harry van der Laan, Barry Clark, Mort Roberts in audience
Start Date:2007-06 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Thompson, Richard Clark, Barry |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium |
Description:Dick Thompson, Barry Clark at reception
Start Date:2007-06 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Clark, Barry Hogg, Carol Maddalena, Ronald Hogg, David E. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium |
Description:Barry Clark, Dave Hogg, Carol Hogg, Ron Maddalena
Start Date:2007-06 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Weinreb, Sander Moran, James M. Clark, Barry |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium |
Description:Sandy Weinreb Jim Moran, Barry Clark
Start Date:2007-06 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Clark, Barry |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium |
Description:Barry Clark at lunch
Start Date:2007-06 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Clark, Barry |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium |
Description:Barry Clark in audience
Start Date:2007-06 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:van der Laan, Harry Kellermann, Kenneth I. Weinreb, Sander Terzian, Yervant Clark, Barry Kassim, Namir Sandqvist, Aage Burke, Bernard F. Drake, Frank D. Heeschen, David S. Hogg, David E. Roberts, Morton S. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium |
Description:Meeting attendees who were NRAO staff in Green Bank, 1956-1965: Harry van der Laan, Dave Heeschen, Bernie Burke, Ken Kellermann, Mort Roberts, Frank Drake, Sandy Weinreb, Dave Hogg, Yervant Terzian, Barry Clark, Namir Kassim (standing in for his mother, May Kaftan Kassim), Sandy Sandqvist [show more]
Start Date:2023-09-27 Location:Socorro, NM People:Clark, Barry Wade, Campbell M. |
Creator:Papers of W. Miller Goss Series:Joseph L. Pawsey Series Unit:Pawsey Book Unit Subunit:Pawsey Book Launch Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Meetings |
Description:Barry Clark and Cam Wade at the dinner following the book launch.
Start Date:2023-09-27 People:Wade, Campbell M. Clark, Barry |
Creator:Papers of W. Miller Goss Series:Joseph L. Pawsey Series Unit:Pawsey Book Unit Subunit:Pawsey Book Launch Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Meetings |
Description:Cam Wade and Barry Clark.