Student Observing Support Awards

Carl Bignell, Dale Frail, and Joan Wrobel
on behalf of the Student Observing Support Committee

The Student Observing Support (SOS) Committee met in April 2008 to discuss the twelve proposals that were submitted during the last trimester. The committee, composed of five faculty members from U.S. universities, discussed the science case and student support application for each proposal and selected the following four proposals to receive funding.

Julia Deneva (Cornell, Supervisor: J. Cordes) was awarded $13,000 for work related to the GBT proposal (08B-017) “Uncovering the Galactic Center Pulsar Population: Spectrum Estimation and Timing of Two New Pulsars.”

Kyle Willet (U. Colorado, Supervisor: J. Darling) was awarded $35,000 for work related to the GBT proposal (08B-035) “A High Redshift OH Megamaser Survey.”

Fonda Day (U. New Mexico, Supervisor: Y. Pihlstrom) was awarded $33,200 for work related to the VLBA proposal (BP150) “Parallax and OH and H2O studies of Water Fountain PPNe.”

Steve Warren (U. Minnesota, Supervisor: E. Skillman) was awarded $29,000 for work related to the VLA Large proposal (AO215) “VLA and HST: Star Formation History and ISM Feedback in Nearby Galaxies.”

General information on the SOS program structure and background is available online in the "Introduction to the NRAO Student Observing Support Program."