Future of U.S. Radio Astronomy Committee
Report Released

Ethan Schreier, Associated Universities, Inc.

The Future of U.S. Radio AstronomyIn 2007, Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI) convened a Committee on the Future of U.S. Radio Astronomy, chaired by Professor Dick McCray, of the University of Colorado. The goal of the committee was to consider the likely scientific directions for astronomy and astrophysics in the next decade and, more specifically, the place of radio astronomy in helping answer the key science questions. The McCray Committee was not asked to set priorities for current or proposed radio-millimeter-submillimeter astronomy facilities, but rather to consider the observing capabilities and technologies in these disciplines that were likely to be important in answering the science questions. AUI believed that the results of such a Committee would be useful input to the next Decadal Survey, which would not only consider all astronomy sub-disciplines, but would also receive reports about specific facilities and technology development proposed for the future.

The Committee had several open meetings, solicited inputs from the community, held town hall meetings, posted material on the AUI website, requested formal reviews on a first draft from some 25 senior astronomers, and iterated its report over many months.

The final report was received by AUI, and the release of the Report was authorized by the AUI Board at its October meeting in Santiago, Chile. The report is now available for downloading, and will be transmitted to the Astronomy and Astrophysics 2010 Decadal Survey.

AUI wishes to thank the Committee, its Chair, and all the members of the astronomy community who participated in this endeavor.