North America Array:
  Activity Overview
  Decade 2010-2020
  Decade 2020-2030
  Astro2010 RFI Response
  Supplementary Material

North America Array: Implementation of SKA-High, 2020-2030

The decade after 2020 will be focused on a staged construction of the North America Array, as an implementation of the high-frequency component of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA-high). The collecting area will be more modest than a square kilometer, with a present strawman of approximately 0.15 square kilometers. The detailed cost and plan for the implementation will be deliverables of the technology development program in 2010-2020; overall, the plan is expected to consist of the following elements:

  • Increase the sensitivity of the core EVLA by a factor of 5, using antenna systems developed by the US SKA Technology Development Project (TDP) in 2008-2012 and by TDP-II from 2012-2015.
  • Add sensitivity equivalent to 2-3 times the EVLA at distances ranging from the EVLA maximum baseline of 35 km out to a few hundred kilometers. The staging of this development relative to the development of more collecting area in the EVLA core will depend on the science drivers as they exist in the late 2010s; we expect the nature of these science drivers to be determined by discoveries of the new telescopes of the 2010-2020 decade, such as JWST, ALMA, and EVLA.
  • Enhance the sensitivity on long baselines by augmenting or replacing the VLBA stations with more collecting area, amounting to a total sensitivity of 2-3 times the EVLA. The parameters of these long-baseline stations will depend very strongly on the development and affordability of wide-bandwidth communication infrastructure in the next decade(s). The baseline plan will be to construct these stations as "copies" of the prototype SKA-high station to be fielded in 2016-2019.

Modified on Wednesday, 08-Apr-2009 11:38:27 EDT