3 items found
Author is exactly "Barrett, Alan H."
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Start Date:1990-10-23
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Director's Office Series
Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit
Subunit:Jansky Lecture Subunit
Type:Moving Image
Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures
Start Date:1970
Creator:Papers of Fred K.Y. Lo
Series:Notes & Papers Series
Description:Taught at MIT. First folder includes Fred Lo's notes.
Start Date:1965
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Reprint of collected papers from a conference, 1965, including:<br /><ul><li>"Passive Radio Observations of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Uranus" by Alan H. Barret</li> <li>"Mars and Venus at 70-cm Wavelength" by H. E. Hardebeck</li> <li>"Radio Observations of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Uranus" by Ken Kellermann</li> <li>"The Observations of Radio Emission From the Planets Mercury, Mars, and Saturn at Wavelength of 8 mm" by A. E. Salomonovich</li> <li>"A Search for the 1.36-cm Water-Vapor Line in Venus" by F. D. Drake</li> <li>"Radiation of Venus at the 13.5-mm Water-Vapor Line" by J. E. Gibson and H. H. Corbett</li> <li>"Observations of the 1.35-cm Water-Vapor Line in Venus" by W. J. Welch</li> <li>"Observations of Mars at 12.5-cm Wavelength" by D. O. Muhleman and T. Sato</li> <li>"On the Nature of the Cloud Layer of Venus" by A. E. Basharinov and B. G. Kutuza</li> <li>"An Analysis of Microwave Observations of Venus" by Carl Sagan and James B. Pollack</li></ul> [show more]