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Author is exactly "Bouton, Ellen"
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End Date:2022
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Kellermann Publications Series
Unit:Star Noise Unit
Description:Print out of partial draft copy of chapter elevent of Star Noise, with highlighting and notes throughout, n.d. but before publication in 2022
Start Date:2001-08-28
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Director's Office Series
Unit:Director's Office Correspondence Unit
Subunit:Topical Correspondence Subunit
Description:NRAO timeline, 3 May 1954 through August 2001, prepared for Paul Vanden Bout by Ellen Bouton.
Start Date:2016-07
Creator:Radio Astronomy History Talks
Description:Slides of a talk given by Ellen Bouton on Grote Reber at the History of Canadian Radio Astronomy conference in Penticton, British Columbia from 25-26 July 2016.