8 items found
Author is exactly "Clark, Barry G."
Sorted by Title
Start Date:1970-00-00
End Date:1972-00-00
Creator:Papers of Barry G. Clark
Series:Green Bank Interferometer Series
Description:Miscellaneous notes and memos on hardware, many undated
Start Date:1965-00-00
End Date:1971-00-00
Creator:Papers of Barry G. Clark
Series:Miscellany Series
Description:Clark described this as "a notebook from the time before I realized that the benefits of being well organized, though real, did not repay the effort of becoming so." Clark estimated the date period for the notes.
Start Date:1966-04
Creator:Papers of George W. Swenson, Jr.
Series:Very Large Array (VLA) Series
Start Date:1964-12
Creator:Papers of George W. Swenson, Jr.
Series:Very Large Array (VLA) Series
Start Date:1967-01-03
Creator:Papers of Barry G. Clark
Series:Green Bank Interferometer Series
Start Date:1966-05-11
Creator:Papers of George W. Swenson, Jr.
Series:Very Large Array (VLA) Series
Start Date:1965-04
Creator:Papers of George W. Swenson, Jr.
Series:Very Large Array (VLA) Series
Start Date:1966-06-14
Creator:Papers of George W. Swenson, Jr.
Series:Very Large Array (VLA) Series