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Start Date:2003-11-06
People:Hardy, Eduardo
Lo, Fred
Tarenghi, Massimo
Cesarsky, Catherine
Hofstadt, Daniel
Dickman, Robert L.
Creator:Papers of Robert L. Dickman
Type:Still Image
Facilities--ALMA--Operations Support Facility
Description:Bob Dickman (NSF) pouring Chilean wine over the stone at the ALMA Operations Support Facility groundbreaking. Left to right behind him: Eduardo Hardy (AUI), Fred Lo (NRAO Director), Massimo Tarenghi (ESO), Catherine Cesarsky (ESO Director General), and Daniel Hofstadt (ESO). [show more]
Start Date:2003-11-06
People:Dickman, Robert L.
Hardy, Eduardo
Lo, Fred
Tarenghi, Massimo
Cesarsky, Catherine
Hofstadt, Daniel
Creator:Papers of Paul A. Vanden Bout
Series:ALMA Series
Unit:ALMA Book Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Facilities--ALMA--Operations Support Facility
Description:Left to right: Bob Dickman, Eduardo Hardy, Fred Lo, Massimo Tarenghi, Catherine Cesarsky, Daniel Hofstadt.