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Start Date:2002
Location:Socorro, NM
People:Chollet, Eileen
Kelly, John
Douthit, Melissa
Perley, Daniel
Crossley, Jared
Peterson, Karen
Anderson, James
Metzger, Brian
Pollack, Lindsey
Devine, Katie
Vogt, Corina
Cyganowski, Claudia
Fukuda, Teresa
Ye, Jason
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:New Mexico summer students, 2002: (left to right) back row: Eilleen Chollet, John Kelly, Melissa Douthit, Daniel Perley, Jared Crossley, Karen Peterson, James Anderson, Brian Metzger, Lindsey Pollack, and Katie Devine. Front row: Corina Vogt, Claudia Cyganoswski, Therese Fukuda, and Jason Ye. [show more]