Start Date:1983 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Brown, Walter Summers, Vince Harris, Ron D'Addario, Larry Richardson, Warren Faber, Marek Balister, Michael Crady, Kirk Dill, Harry Petty, Monroe Runion, Gene Archer, John Weinreb, Sander Granlund, John Shalloway, Art Luckado, Lucky Pospieszalski, Marian Thach, Karen Taylor, Garnett Burgess, Cathy Escoffier, Ray Crawford, Marshall Dillon, Matt Porter, Bill |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:NRAO Social Events Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Employees Events--Social events |
Description:The Ivy Road Gang, headed by 2011 Jansky Lecturer Sandy Weinreb, gather for a late 1983 farewell lunch for retiring Art Shalloway. Left to right: Walter Brown, Vince Summers, Ron Harris, Larry D'Addario, Warren Richardson, Marek Faber, Mike Balister, Kirk Crady, Harry Dill, Monroe Petty, Gene Runion, John Archer, Sandy Weinreb, John Granlund, Art Shalloway, Lucky Luckado, Marian Pospieszalski, Karen Thach, Garnett Taylor (behind Karen), Cathy Burgess, Ray Escoffier, Marshall Crawford, Matt Dillon, Bill Porter. [show more]