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People is exactly "Laing, Robert"
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Start Date:1986-00-00
People:Bridle, Alan H.
Owen, Frazer
Hardee, Phil
Schreier, Ethan
Laing, Robert
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:Alan Bridle, Frazer Owen, Phil Hardee, Ethan Schreier, and Robert Laing on hike at Aspen Workshop
Start Date:1985-10-00
People:Bridle, Alan H.
Laing, Robert
Creator:Papers of Alan H. Bridle
Series:Photographs Series
Type:Still Image
Description:Alan Bridle and Robert Laing at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, Herstmonceux Castle, England, while writing M84 paper (MNRAS, 1987)
Start Date:2002-10-11
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Aller, Hugh
Bridle, Alan H.
Laing, Robert
Kogan, Leonid
Cohen, Marshall
Creator:Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann
Series:Conferences and Talks Series
Unit:Conference Photographs Unit
Subunit:Radio Astronomy at the Fringe Subunit
Type:Still Image
Description:Back to front and left to right: Hugh Aller, Alan Bridle, Robert Laing, Leonid Kogan, Marshall Cohen.