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Start Date:1999
Location:Kitt Peak, AZ
People:Coil, Allison
McGrath, Liz
Jones, Bryan
Mohan, Niruj
Brogan, Crystal
Young, Chad
Schwartz, Colleen
Lystrup, Mackenzie
Smith, Hannah
Osgood, Darrell
Cheung, Teddy
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:1999 Summer students from Socorro visit the NRAO-Kitt Peak 12m telescope. (left to right, standing): Allison Coil, Liz McGrath, Bryan Jones, Niruj Mohan, Crystal Brogan, Chad Young, Colleen Schwartz, Makenzie Lystrup, Hannah Smith, (sitting) Darrell Osgood, and Teddy Cheung at the 12-meter NRAO telescope. [show more]