Start Date:1933-06-06 Location:Holmdel, NJ People:Crawford, Art Feldman, Karl Reed, Sam E. Johlfs, Joe Lowry, Lewis R. Ohl, Russell Mumford, Bill Jansky, Karl G. Sharpless, Merlin King, Archie Bruce, Edmund Beck, Al C. Englund, Carl R. Friis, Harald T. Ring, Douglas Larsen, Otto Clauson, Carl Morrell, Morris Peterson, Carl Collins, Maurice Schenk, Dan Morrell, Jim |
Creator:Papers of Karl G. Jansky Series:Photographs Series Type:Still Image |
Description:Karl G. Jansky (1905-1950) discovered radio waves emanating from the Milky Way while he was investigating trans-Atlantic radiotelephone interference for Bell Laboratories between 1928-1933. In this photo from the early 1930s, members of the Bell Labs Radio Research Division pose on the front lawn of the Holmdel NJ Bell Labs building. Shown in the first row from left to right: Art Crawford, Carl Feldman, Sam Reed, Joe Johlfs, Lewis Lowery, Russell Ohl, Bill Mumford, Karl Jansky, Merlin Sharpless, Archie King, Edmund Bruce, and Al Beck. In the second row are Carl Englund, Harald Friis, Douglas Ring, Otto Larsen, Carl Clauson, Morris Morrell, Carl Peterson, Maurice Collins, Dan Schenk, and Jim Morrell. [show more]