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Start Date:2012-08-02
Location:Charlottesville, VA
People:Smullen, Rachel
Gallagher, Molly
Manning, Sinclaire
Ho, Anna
Jackson, Seth
Loomis, Ryan
Brunetti, Nathan
Pardy, Stephen
Wenger, Trey
Osler, Arlo
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Description:2012 Charlottesville summer students. Front Row (sitting) L-R: Rachel Smullen, Molly Gallagher, Sinclaire Manning. Back Row (standing) L-R: [unknown: probably Grad Program participant], Anna Ho, Seth Jackson, Ryan Loomis, Nathan Brunetti, [unknown: participant from another program], Stephen Pardy, Trey Wenger, Arlo Osler. [show more]