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Start Date:2003
Location:Socorro, NM
People:Borders, Tiffany
Williams, Matt
Monsalvo, Itziar
Soderberg, Alicia
Spitler, Laura
Cool, Richard
Nordhaus, Miranda
Clearfield, Christopher
Ly, Chun
Landes, Emily
Manness, Holly
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Student Programs Series
Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph
Description:New Mexico summer students 2003, l.-r: Tiffany Borders, Matt Williams (RE Teachers), Itziar Monsalvo, Alicia Soderberg, Laura Spitler, Richard Cool, Miranda Nordhaus, Christopher Clearfield, Chun Ly, Emily Landes. Seated in front: Holly Manness.