Start Date:1987-07-10 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Garland, James Crawford, Marshall Morris, Greg Escoffier, Ray Kellermann, Kenneth I. Thompson, Richard Dowd, Andrew Taylor, Garnett Pospieszalski, Marian Luckado, Lucky Wireman, Bill Johnson, Francoise Horner, Neil, Jr. Thach, Karen Dillon, Matt Weinreb, Sander Liu, Z.-Y. Harris, Ron Bailey, Nancyjane Shepherd, Amy Spaulding, Gene |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Employees Unit Type:Still Image Subject:Employees Instruments--Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) |
Description:Initial construction funding for the VLBA was received in May 1985. Charlottesville staff working on VLBA gather on the front steps of the Central Development Lab's Ivy Rd. building on 10 July 1987. Left to right - far back: James Garland, Marshall Crawford, Greg Morris; second back: Ray Escoffier, Ken Kellermann, Dick Thompson, unidentified UVA student, Andrew Dowd, Garnett Taylor; middle: Marian Pospieszalski, Lucky Luckado, Bill Wireman, Francoise Johnson, Neil Horner, Karen Thach, Matt Dillon; front: unidentified UVA student, Sandy Weinreb, Z.-Y. Liu, Ron Harris, Nancyjane Bailey, Amy Shepherd, Gene Spaulding. [show more]