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People is exactly "Wooddell, Warren"
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Start Date:1959-09-03
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Wooddell, Warren
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Calibration Horn Antenna Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Instruments--Calibration Horn Antenna (Little Big Horn)
Description:Calibration horn construction 10 - Warren Wooddell in the completed Horn
Start Date:1959-09-03
Location:Green Bank, WV
People:Wooddell, Warren
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:Calibration Horn Antenna Unit
Type:Still Image
Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative
Instruments--Calibration Horn Antenna (Little Big Horn)
Description:Calibration horn construction 9 - Warren Wooddell in the completed Horn