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Photographer is exactly "Mark Gordon"
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Start Date:1974
Location:Kitt Peak, AZ
People:Cardarella, Donald J.
Sparks, Calvin
Creator:Records of the NRAO
Series:Photographs Series
Unit:36 Foot Telescope Unit
Type:Still Image
Subject:Instruments--36 Foot Telescope
Events--Open Houses
Description:NRAO has always worked to introduce radio astronomy and to educate students, teachers, and the general public about our instruments and the exciting research conducted with them. Site tours and open houses have long been a popular and successful part of this process. In this photo, a group tours the control room of the 36 foot telescope on Kitt Peak outside Tucson in approximately 1974. Operator Don Cardarella is seated at the left and Cal Sparks, with white shirt, is standing on the right. Photo taken by Mark Gordon. [show more]