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Photographer is exactly "Optical image courtesy of the Digital Sky Survey. Composite image by Bill Saxton (NRAO). Infrared image courtesy of the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS)."
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Creator:Legacy Astronomical Images
Series:Galactic Sources Series
Unit:Black Holes Unit
Type:Legacy Astronomical Image
Description:The Omega Nebula (also known as M17, the Swan Nebula, and the Lobster Nebula) lies about 5700 light years away in the constellation of Sagittarius. The nebula is found at the edge of a dark gas cloud in which new stars are being born. Optical light, infrared radiation and radio waves are emitted by the nebula. The infrared radiation (green) is emitted by dust clouds warmed by new stars imbedded in the nebula. The optical light (blue) and radio waves (red) are produced when hot, young stars ionize the gas around them. While much of the optical light is blocked by foreground dust clouds, the radio radiation streams on through, allowing us to see all of the hot gas. Collaborators: UMass/IPAC-Caltech/NASA/NSF/National Geographic Society/STScI [show more]