Start Date:2002 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Manganello, Zachary Kent, Brian Kjonaas, Tamara Orban, Chris Tandy, Brian Fakes, Tony Kartaltepe, Jayhan Cutshall, Ryan Ostaff, Steve Johnson, Chelen Fleming, Dave |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2002 Green Bank summer students. L-r, back row: Zachary Manganello, Brian Kent, Tamara Kjonaas, Chris Orban; middle row: Brian Tandy, Troy Fakes (co-op), Jayhan Kartaltepe, Cutshall, Ryan. Front row, l-r, Research Experience for Teachers program participants: Steve Ostaff, Chelen Johnson, Dave Fleming. [show more]
Start Date:2002 Location:VLA Site, NM People:Flynn, Sara Cull, Selby |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:Tucson 2002 summer students Sara Flynn and Selby Cull visit the VLA.
Start Date:2002 Location:Socorro, NM People:Chollet, Eileen Kelly, John Douthit, Melissa Perley, Daniel Crossley, Jared Peterson, Karen Anderson, James Metzger, Brian Pollack, Lindsey Devine, Katie Vogt, Corina Cyganowski, Claudia Fukuda, Teresa Ye, Jason |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:New Mexico summer students, 2002: (left to right) back row: Eilleen Chollet, John Kelly, Melissa Douthit, Daniel Perley, Jared Crossley, Karen Peterson, James Anderson, Brian Metzger, Lindsey Pollack, and Katie Devine. Front row: Corina Vogt, Claudia Cyganoswski, Therese Fukuda, and Jason Ye. [show more]
Start Date:2003 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Thomsen, Porter Grichener, Alex Kelly, John Wye, Lauren Mahmud, Mehreen Martin, Jodie Roark, Christine |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:Charlottesville 2003 summer students, l.-r.: Porter Thomsen, Alex Grichener, John Kelly, Lauren Wye, Mehreen Mahmud, Jodie Martin, Christine Roark.
Start Date:2003 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Cowan, Andrew Ciccarelli, John Atchison, Justin Sparks, Robert Wells, Shannon Flores, Regina Geller, Aaron Rubin, Kate |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:Green Bank 2003 summer students, l.-r.: Andrew Cowan, John Ciccarelli, Justin Atchison, Robert Sparks, Shannon Wells, Regina Flores, Aaron Geller, Kate Rubin. [This group is notorious/infamous for their performance at the annual Green Bank summer picnic in which they sang "It is Fun to Work at The NRAO" based on the Village People's "YMCA" song.] [show more]
Start Date:2003 Location:Socorro, NM People:Borders, Tiffany Williams, Matt Monsalvo, Itziar Soderberg, Alicia Spitler, Laura Cool, Richard Nordhaus, Miranda Clearfield, Christopher Ly, Chun Landes, Emily Manness, Holly |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:New Mexico summer students 2003, l.-r: Tiffany Borders, Matt Williams (RE Teachers), Itziar Monsalvo, Alicia Soderberg, Laura Spitler, Richard Cool, Miranda Nordhaus, Christopher Clearfield, Chun Ly, Emily Landes. Seated in front: Holly Manness.
Start Date:2005 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Heiderman, Amanda Sandell, Julia Sulman, Ben Freed, Kelly Olorode, Leye Grier, Cate McCarty, Mike |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2005 Charlottesville Summer Students (l-r): Amanda Heiderman, Julia Sandell, Ben Sulman, Kelly Freed, Leye Olorode, Cate Grier, Mike McCarty. Not shown: Vinayak Nagpal.
Start Date:2005 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Gosh, Soumya Durand, James Williams, Peter Brewer, John Mancone, Conor Curtis, Jason Pulliam, Robin Sevilla, David |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2005 Green Bank Summer Students (l-r): Soumya Gosh, James Durand, Peter Williams, John Brewer, Conor Mancone, Jason Curtis, Robin Pulliam, David Sevilla.
Start Date:2005 Location:Socorro, NM People:Gugliucci, Nicole Mao, Tyson Johnston, JoAnna Bennett, Wendy Wells, Kassandra Jorgensen, Kasandra Levesque, Emily Borg, Kyle Sánchez, Ricardo |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2005 Socorro Summer Students (l-r), front: Nicole Gugliucci, Tyson Mao. Back: JoAnna Johnston, Wendy Bennett, Kassandra Wells, Kasandra Jorgensen, Emily Levesque, Kyle Borg, Ricardo Sánchez.
Start Date:2006 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Martin, Emily Mehta, Kushal Thomas, Kristen Heroux, A.J. Weadon, T.J. Obi, Manasseh |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2006 Green Bank summer students in the student office at summer's end. Clockwise from 6 o'clock: A.J. Heroux (blue shirt), Manasseh Obi, Kushal Metha, Kristen Thomas, Emily Martin (red shirt), Timothy J. Weadon.
Start Date:2006 Location:Socorro, NM People:Weinzirl, Timothy Zschaechner, Laura Bennett, Wendy Whiting, Catherine Chizek, Malynda Edmonds, Robert Willett, Kyle Mills, Elizabeth Sevilla, David Ginsburg, Adam |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2006 Socorro summer students. Back row from left: Timothy Weinzirl, Laura Zschaechner, Wendy Bennett, Catherine Whiting, Malynda Chizek, Robert Edmonds, Kyle Willett. Seated: Elisabeth Mills, David Sevilla; Adam Ginsburg (lying down). Not shown are Abhirup Datta (NRAO GRP) and Claire Davy (NSF REU) and Rosa Torres Lopez (GRP). [show more]
Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Davy, Claire Frey, Lucy Katz, Jennifer Gugliucci, Nicole Stone, Robert (Lecky) Saul, Destry |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2006 Charlottesville summer students, left to right: Claire Davy, Lucy Frey, Jennifer Katz, Nicole Gugliucci, Robert (Lecky) Stone, Destry Saul. Not in photo: Alok Singhal.
Start Date:2006 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Martin, Emily Mehta, Kushal Thomas, Kristen Heroux, A.J. Weadon, T.J. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2006 Green Bank summer students pose on one of the site's diesel vehicles in front of the GBT. Left to right: Emily Martin, Kushal Mehta, Kristen Thomas, A.J. Heroux, T.J. Weadon. Not in photo: Manasseh Obi.
Location:Charlottesville, VA |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2007 Charlottesville summer students.
Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Sakari, Charli Mocanu, Delia Schneider, Evan Lacasse, Daniel Coakley, Jessica Murphy, Bryan Pennucci, Tim Schenker, Matt Sacash, Brian |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2008 Charlottesville summer students, front left to right: Charli Sakari, Delia Mocanu, Evan Schneider and Daniel Lacasse. Back row, L-R: Jessica Coakley, Bryan Murphy, Tim Pennucci, Matt Schenker and Brian Sacash. Not pictured are Claudia Cyganowski, Allison Hammond and Anthony Hamzeh. [show more]
Start Date:2009-07-31 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Samuel, Francillia Roper, Brian McCauley, Patrick Louie, Melissa Shitanish, Jennifer Lam, Michael |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2009 was the 50th anniversary of the NRAO summer student program. 2009 Charlottesville summer students, left to right: Francillia Samuel, Brian Roper, Patrick McCauley, Melissa Louie, Jennifer Shitanishi, Michael Lam.
Start Date:2009-08-04 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Mennicke, Christine Wyman, Katy Whitfield, Erica Kornacki, Evan Ramey, Shannon Wollard, Kyle |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2009 was the 50th anniversary of the NRAO summer student program. 2009 summer students in Green Bank, left to right: Christine Mennicke, Katy Wyman, Erica Whitfield, Evan Kornacki, Shannon Ramey, Kyle Wollard.
Start Date:2009-07-29 Location:Socorro, NM People:Devaraj, Kiruthika Rischard, Maxime Kimball, Amy Fagrelius, Eric Cardoso, Fernando White, Meagan Marvil, Josh Pastorius, Melissa Liebst, Kelley Anderson, Crystal |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2009 Socorro students at the Domenici Science Operations Center. Back row, l-r: Kiruthika Devaraj, Maxime Rischard, Amy Kimball, Eric Fagrelius, R. Fernando Cardoso, Meagan White, Josh Marvil and Melissa Pastorius. Front row, l-r, are Kelley Liebst and Crystal Anderson. [show more]
Start Date:2010-07-27 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Lo, Fred Hibbard, John |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:Outside the Edgemont Rd. building, Fred Lo and John Hibbard examine astronomy-themed chalk drawings created by 2010 Charlottesville summer students.
Start Date:2010-07-27 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Mangum, Jeff |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:Jeff Mangum, summer student program director, with 2010 Charlottesville summer students.
Start Date:2010 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Robertson, Amy MacGregor, Meredith Mizusawa, Trisha Bemis, Ashley Fletcher, Corrine Spilker, Justin Ford, Anthony Wahl, Matthew Chen, Bin Nhan, Bang Cardoso, Fernando Montet, Ben |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2010 Charlottesville summer students. Seated in pool, left to right: Amy Robertson, Meredith MacGregor, Trisha Mizusawa, Ashley Bemis, Corrine Fletcher. Standing left to right: Justin Spilker, Anthony Ford, Matthew Wahl, Bin Chen, Bang Nhan, Fernando Cardoso, Ben Montet. [show more]
Start Date:2010 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Robertson, Amy MacGregor, Meredith Mizusawa, Trisha Bemis, Ashley Fletcher, Corrine Spilker, Justin Ford, Anthony Wahl, Matthew Chen, Bin Nhan, Bang Cardoso, Fernando Montet, Ben |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2010 Charlottesville summer students try to locate the radio signal. Seated in pool, left to right: Amy Robertson, Meredith MacGregor, Trisha Mizusawa, Ashley Bemis, Corrine Fletcher. Standing left to right: Anthony Ford, Justin Spilker, Matthew Wahl, Bin Chen, Bang Nhan, Fernando Cardoso, Ben Montet. [show more]
Start Date:2011 |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2011 Charlottesville summer students on Shenandoah Mountain on the way to Green Bank. Summer student program director Jeff Mangum in center (white t-shirt).
Start Date:2011 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Medeiros, Lia Chicharro Fuertes, Raquel DeBianchi, Christina Svoboda, Brian Patil, Ajinkya Marchenko, Valerie Clouse, Stephen Laughlin, Courtney Reichardt, Ashley Smith, Sierra Kruse, Ethan Ross, Alexa Jackson, Seth |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph |
Description:2011 Charlottesville summer students. Seated left to right: Lia Medeiros, Raquel Chicharro Fuertes. Standing left to right: Christina DeBianchi, Brian Svoboda, Ajinkya Patil, Valerie Marchenko, Stephen Clouse, Courtney Laughlin, Ashley Reichardt, Sierra Smith, Ethan Kruse, Alexa Ross, Seth Jackson. [show more]
Start Date:2012-08-02 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Smullen, Rachel Gallagher, Molly Manning, Sinclaire Ho, Anna Jackson, Seth Loomis, Ryan Brunetti, Nathan Pardy, Stephen Wenger, Trey Osler, Arlo |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Student Programs Series Unit:Summer Student Programs Unit Type:Still Image |
Description:2012 Charlottesville summer students. Front Row (sitting) L-R: Rachel Smullen, Molly Gallagher, Sinclaire Manning. Back Row (standing) L-R: [unknown: probably Grad Program participant], Anna Ho, Seth Jackson, Ryan Loomis, Nathan Brunetti, [unknown: participant from another program], Stephen Pardy, Trey Wenger, Arlo Osler. [show more]