3 items found
Type is exactly "Website"
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Creator:Papers of H.I. (Doc) Ewen
Original Format of Digital Item:Website
Description:"Doc Ewen: The Horn, HI, and other events in U.S. Radio Astronomy" is a web resource describing H.I. (Doc) Ewen's work from 1948 through the 1990s. Written by Ewen between 2003 and 2005, and illustrated with many photos and diagrams from his collection, the pages describe the detection of the HI line in 1951, early US radio astronomy history, including the building of the Harvard 24- and 60-foot antennas and the founding of NRAO, developments in millimeter and radiometric instrumentation in the 1970s through the 1990s, and Doc Ewen's continuing work in radiometry. [show more]
Start Date:2022-11
Creator:Records of AUI
Series:Projects Series
Unit:National Society of Black Physicists Conference Unit
Original Format of Digital Item:Website
Description:Conference booklet for the 2022 Conference of the National Society of Black Physicists.
Creator:Papers of Nan Dieter Conklin
Original Format of Digital Item:Website
Description:"Nan Dieter Conklin: A Life in Science" is a Web resource in which Nannielou Hepburn Dieter Conklin describes her career as one of the earliest US women working in radio astronomy. It was written by Dr. Conklin in 2001, and covers highlights of her work from 1946-1977, beginning at the Maria Mitchell Observatory, continuing with her work at Naval Research Laboratory, her doctoral work at Harvard, and ending with her time at University of California Berkeley. [show more]