Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Jewell, Philip Lo, Fred Wolfe, Arthur |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Phil Jewell, Fred Lo, Art Wolfe
Start Date:2009-05-27 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Lo, Fred Jewell, Philip |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Awards |
Description:Service Awards for employees who completed milestone decades in 2008. Fred Lo presents 20 year award to Phil Jewel
Start Date:2009-05-27 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Jewell, Philip Lo, Fred Braintwain, Evelyn Halstead, Tracy White, Carolyn Effland, John Treacy, Bob |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Awards |
Description:Service Awards for employees who completed milestone decades in 2008. NRAO Director Fred Lo with awardees. Left to right: Phil Jewell, Fred Lo, Evelyn Braintwain, Tracy Halstead, Carolyn White, John Effland, Bob Treacy.
Start Date:2011-09-20 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Jewell, Philip Vanden Bout, Paul |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Phil Jewell, Paul Vanden Bout
Start Date:2024-05-01 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Jewell, Philip Kepley, Amanda |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Awards |
Description:Phil Jewell presents the 2023 Distinguished Service Award to Amanda Kepley.
Start Date:2024-05-01 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Jewell, Philip Symmes, Art |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Awards |
Description:Service Awards for Employees who completed milestone decades in 2023. Phil Jewell presents a 20 Year Service Award To Art Symmes.
Start Date:2024-05-01 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Jewell, Philip Brogan, Crystal |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Awards |
Description:Service Awards for Employees who completed milestone decades in 2023. Phil Jewell presents a 20 Year Service Award to Crystal Brogan.
Start Date:2011-03 Location:Santa Fe, NM People:Jewell, Philip |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Building on New Worlds, New Horizons Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Conferences |
Description:NRAO conference held to promote the ngVLA (before it existed with that name.) No published proceedings. Phil Jewell.
Start Date:2011-01-28 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Lonsdale, Colin Barvainis, Rich Doelman, Shepherd Jewell, Philip |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Future of the VLBA Summit Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Conferences |
Description:Future of the VLBA, Charlottesville. Colin Lonsdale, Rich Barvainis, Shep Doelman, Phil Jewell.
Start Date:2000 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Jewell, Philip Holstine, Mike Curry, Shirley Beverage, Chuck Ziegler, Carol Johnson, Rebecca Beasley, Tony Taylor, Rusty |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:GBT Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Dedications Instruments--Green Bank Telescope (GBT) |
Description:The Organizing Committee for the Green Bank Telescope dedication included Green Bank staff, along with public information and outreach staff from across the Observatory. In this photo, some members of the Committee discuss plans and strategies for the successful event. Clockwise from left: Phil Jewell, Mike Holstine, Shirley Curry, Rusty Taylor, Chuck Beverage, Carol Ziegler, Rebecca Johnson, and Tony Beasley (before leaving NRAO, then returning in 2002 as Director). [show more]
Start Date:2000-08-25 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Jewell, Philip |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:GBT Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Color print Subject:Instruments--Green Bank Telescope (GBT) Events--Dedications |
Description:Green Bank Site Director Phil Jewell welcomes guests to the dedication ceremony
Start Date:2000-08-25 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Jewell, Philip Colwell, Rita Vanden Bout, Paul Lockman, Jay |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:GBT Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Color print Subject:Instruments--Green Bank Telescope (GBT) Events--Dedications |
Description:Pre-dedication press conference. Left to right: Phil Jewell (Green Bank Site Director), Rita Colwell (NSF Director), Paul Vanden Bout (NRAO Director), Jay Lockman (former Green Bank Site Director)
Start Date:2000-08-25 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Giacconi, Riccardo Jewell, Philip Byrd, Robert C. Acker, Thomas Colwell, Rita Vanden Bout, Paul |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:GBT Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Color print Subject:Instruments--Green Bank Telescope (GBT) Events--Dedications |
Description:Ceremonial cutting of the ribbon at the Green Bank Telescope Dedication ceremony. Left to right: Riccardo Giacconi, Phil Jewell (behind Giacconi), Senator Robert Byrd, Thomas Acker, Rita Colwell, Paul Vanden Bout
Start Date:2000-08-25 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Lockman, Jay Jewell, Philip Seielstad, George A. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:GBT Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Color print Subject:Instruments--Green Bank Telescope (GBT) Events--Dedications |
Description:Jay Lockman (Green Bank Site Director 1993-1998), Phil Jewell (Green Bank Site Director 1999-2005), George Seielstad (Green Bank Site Director, 1984-1992) pose after the Green Bank Telescope dedication with the Green Bank Telescope sign
Start Date:2011-07-22 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Jewell, Philip Lacasse, Rich |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Retirements Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Retirements |
Description:Phil Jewell, Rich Lacasse.
Start Date:2011-07-22 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Webber, John Jewell, Philip |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Retirements Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Retirements |
Description:John Webber, Phil Jewell.
Start Date:2007-06 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Lewis, Murray Jewell, Philip |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium |
Description:Murray Lewis, Phil Jewell, evening reception
Start Date:2007-06 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Lo, Fred Jewell, Philip Condon, James J. Heeschen, David S. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium |
Description:Dave Heeschen, Fred Lo, Jim Condon, Phil Jewell
Start Date:2007-06 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Zhao, Jun-Hui Kent, Brian Crane, Patrick Jewell, Philip Ojha, Roopesh Willis, Tony Bradley, Richard Terzian, Yervant Balser, Dana Wilson, Thomas Boboltz, David Miller, Neal Sandqvist, Aage Moran, James M. Rickard, Lee J Myers, Steven Lo, Fred Demorest, Paul Jacoby, Bryan Kulkarni, Shrinivas |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium |
Description:NRAO Director Fred Lo with some of the meeting attendees who had been students in one or more of NRAO's educational programs. Left to right: Jun-Hui Zhao, Brian Kent, Pat Crane, Phil Jewell, Roopesh Ojha, Tony Willis, Rich Bradley, Yervant Terzian, Dana Balser, Tom Wilson, David Boboltz, Neal Miller, Sandy Sandqvist, Jim Moran, Lee J Rickard, Steve Myers, Fred Lo, Paul Demorest, Bryan Jacoby, Shri Kulkarni
[show more]
Start Date:2007-06 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Prestage, Richard Willis, Tony Jewell, Philip |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:50th Anniversary Symposium Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--50th Anniversary Symposium |
Description:Richard Prestage, Tony Willis, Phil Jewell