Start Date:1974-06-27 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Payne, John Balister, Michael Kellermann, Kenneth I. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:140 Foot Telescope Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative Subject:Electronics Instruments--140 Foot Telescope |
Description:In June 1974, John Payne (back to camera), Mike Balister, and Ken Kellermann consider the four frequency Cassegrain receiver and feed assembly, with optics designed by Peter Napier, that was the prototype system for the VLA and was also used for the VLBA. It was a new and innovative concept, first developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for use on their Deep Space Network antennas, where the four feeds were offset from the electrical axis and could be illuminated by rotating the asymmetric subreflector. Here it is being installed for testing on the 140ft antenna in Green Bank. [show more]
Start Date:1974-06-27 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Payne, John Balister, Michael Kellermann, Kenneth I. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:140 Foot Telescope Unit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative Subject:Electronics Instruments--140 Foot Telescope |
Description:In June 1974, John Payne (back to camera), Mike Balister, and Ken Kellermann consider the four frequency Cassegrain receiver and feed assembly, with optics designed by Peter Napier, that was the prototype system for the VLA and was also used for the VLBA. It was a new and innovative concept, first developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for use on their Deep Space Network antennas, where the four feeds were offset from the electrical axis and could be illuminated by rotating the asymmetric subreflector. Here it is being installed for testing on the 140ft antenna in Green Bank. [show more]
Start Date:1976-01-28 People:Monk, Wendell Weinreb, Sander Kellermann, Kenneth I. Weems, Margaret Burns, Robert Wright, Todd |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:NRAO Employees Unit Subunit:Employee Service Awards Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Awards |
Description:Ten year award recipients - 1965 hires. From left: Wendell Monk, [Bob Viers or Russ Poling], Sandy Weinreb, Ken Kellermann, Peggy Weems, ? Bob Burns, ?, Todd Wright.
Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Jansky, David Kellermann, Kenneth I. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:David Jansky, Ken Kellermann
Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Kellermann, Kenneth I. Kellermann, Michele Marks, Sheila |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Ken Kellermann, Michele Kellermann, Sheila Marks
Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Kellermann, Kenneth I. Marks, Sheila |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Ken Kellermann, Sheila Marks
Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Kellermann, Kenneth I. Kellermann, Michele |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Ken Kellermann, Michele Kellermann
Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Kellermann, Kenneth I. Vanden Bout, Paul Adams, Mark |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Ken Kellermann, Paul Vanden Bout, Mark Adams
Start Date:2011-09-20 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Kellermann, Kenneth I. Kellermann, Michele Jansky, Matthew Jansky, Greg Jansky, Curtis Jansky, David |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Right to left: Ken Kellermann, Michele Kellerman (behind Ken), Matthew Jansky, Greg Jansky, Curtis Jansky, David Jansky
Start Date:2011-09-19 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Kellermann, Kenneth I. Vanden Bout, Paul Hogg, David E. Roberts, Morton S. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:2011 Jansky Lecture (Sandy Weinreb) - pre-lecture lunch, Ken Kellermann, Paul Vanden Bout, Mort Roberts, Dave Hogg.
Start Date:2011-09-19 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Shalloway, Art Runion, Gene Kellermann, Kenneth I. Weinreb, Sander Vanden Bout, Paul Heeschen, David S. Hogg, David E. Roberts, Morton S. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:2011 Jansky Lecture (Sandy Weinreb) - pre-lecture lunch: Art Shalloway, Gene Runion, Dave Heeschen, Ken Kellermann, Dave Hogg, Sandy Weinreb, Paul Vanden Bout, Mort Roberts.
Start Date:2011-09-20 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Jansky, Curtis Jansky, David Jansky, Greg Kellermann, Kenneth I. Jansky, Matthew |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Curtis Jansky, David Jansky, Greg Jansky, Ken Kellermann, Matthew Jansky
Start Date:2011-09-20 Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Jansky, Greg Kellermann, Kenneth I. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:Digital photograph Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Greg Jansky, Ken Kellermann
Start Date:2024 Jansky Lecture (Kenneth I. Kellermann) Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Jansky, Anne Moreau Kellermann, Kenneth I. Jansky, David |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Anne Moreau Jansky Parsons (Karl Jansky's daughter), Ken Kellermann, and David Jansky (Karl Jansky's son) at the 2024 Jansky Lecture.
Start Date:2024 Jansky Lecture (Kenneth I. Kellermann) Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Beasley, Tony Kellermann, Kenneth I. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Tony Beasley and Ken Kellermann during the post-lecture question session.
Start Date:2024 Jansky Lecture (Kenneth I. Kellermann) Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Kellermann, Kenneth I. Beasley, Tony |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Ken Kellermann receives the 59th Annual Karl G. Jansky Lecture award plaque from NRAO Director Tony Beasley.
Start Date:2024 Jansky Lecture (Kenneth I. Kellermann) Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Kellermann, Kenneth I. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Ken Kellermann prior to delivering the 2024 Jansky Lecture.
Start Date:2024 Jansky Lecture (Kenneth I. Kellermann) Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Kellermann, Kenneth I. Jansky, David |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:David Jansky signing a copy of Star Noise for Ken Kellermann.
Start Date:2024 Jansky Lecture (Kenneth I. Kellermann) Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Kellermann, Kenneth I. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Ken Kellermann signing a copy of Star Noise for David Jansky.
Start Date:2024 Jansky Lecture (Kenneth I. Kellermann) Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Bouton, Ellen Jansky, Greg Kellermann, Kenneth I. Jansky, David |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Signing copies of Star Noise - clockwise from top: Ellen Bouton, Greg Jansky (Karl Jansky's grandson), Ken Kellermann, David Jansky (Karl Jansky's son, Sarah Kellermann Kelsey.
Start Date:2024 Jansky Lecture (Kenneth I. Kellermann) Location:Charlottesville, VA People:Kellermann, Kenneth I. Jansky, Chris Jansky, Greg Edwards, Ronald Edwards, Mary Ann Jansky, David Hubbard, Dennis Hubbard, Karla |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:Conferences, Symposia and Lectures Unit Subunit:Jansky Lectures Subunit Type:Still Image Subject:Events--Jansky Lectures |
Description:Ken Kellermann with Jansky family members after the lecture: Ken Kellermann, Chris Jansky (Karl Jansky's grandson), Greg Jansky (Karl Jansky's grandson), Ronald Edwards, Mary Ann Edwards (Karl Jansky's niece), David Jansky (Karl Jansky's son), Anne Moreau Jansky Parsons (Karl Jansky's daughter), Dennis Hubbard, Karla Hubbard (Karl Jansky's granddaughter). [show more]
Start Date:1976-11-18 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Howard, William E., III Wang Shou Guan Xiang Delin Zheng Yi Jia Kellermann, Kenneth I. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Photographs Series Unit:300 Foot Telescope Unit Type:Still Image Subject:Instruments--300 Foot Telescope |
Description:In November 1976, an official delegation of astronomers from the People's Republic of China visited the U.S., and on 18-19 November visited NRAO-Green Bank. They flew to Elkins and drove over the mountains, accompanied by a U.S. Government escort. The U.S. government had also sent advance security personnel to check the site, including Redwood House, where Green Bank Site Director Bill Howard was living and where an evening reception was held (Bill Howard says security personnel even looked under the beds). In October 1977, NRAO Director David S. Heeschen was a member of the official U.S. delegation of astronomers who visited China. Front row: Bill Howard, Wang Shou Guan [Director of Beijing Observatory], Xiang Delin [Nanjing Observatory], unknown [possibly a translator], Zheng Yi Jia [Beijing Observatory], unknown, unknown. Back row: unknown, Ken Kellermann, unknown. [show more]
Start Date:1977-09-16 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Shaffer, David Kellermann, Kenneth I. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Green Bank Operations Series Unit:Green Bank Site Administration Unit Subunit:"An Observer Visits NRAO" Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative Subject:Employees |
Description:Ken Kellermann, Dave Shaffer
Start Date:1977-09-16 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Kellermann, Kenneth I. Shaffer, David Brown, Robert L. |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Green Bank Operations Series Unit:Green Bank Site Administration Unit Subunit:"An Observer Visits NRAO" Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative Subject:Employees |
Description:Ken Kellermann, Dave Shaffer, Bob Brown in Green Bank
Start Date:1977-09-16 Location:Green Bank, WV People:Crane, Patrick Geldzahler, Barry Sheets, Beaty Shaffer, David Kellermann, Kenneth I. O'Brien, Berdeen Riley, Louise |
Creator:Records of the NRAO Series:Green Bank Operations Series Unit:Green Bank Site Administration Unit Subunit:"An Observer Visits NRAO" Subunit Type:Still Image Original Format of Digital Item:B&W negative Subject:Employees |
Description:Green Bank cafeteria. Left to right: Pat Crane, Barry Geldzahler, Beaty Sheets, Dave Shaffer, Ken Kellermann, Berdeen O'Brien, Louise Riley