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Photographer is exactly "NASA/CXC"
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Creator:Legacy Astronomical Images
Series:Galactic Sources Series
Unit:Supernova Remnants Unit
Type:Legacy Astronomical Image
Description:A radio and¡ X-ray composite image of the pulsar-powered supernova remnant, G21.5-0.9, includes data from the NRAO Very Large Array (blue) and the Chandra X-ray Observatory (red). The remnant is what remains of a supernova that exploded in our Galaxy about 1000 years ago. The core of the original star has collapsed to an incredibly dense neutron star or pulsar, which spins rapidly and emits an energetic wind of particles and magnetic field that energizes the filamentary nebula visible in the radio and in the X-ray. Although the pulsar is not seen directly, we can infer that the pulsar is located inside the bright X-ray region that is seen here as the central orange spot. [show more]