NRAO Staff Personal Home Pages

The following are Personal pages created by individual staff members at NRAO. They do not necessarily represent the views or policies of either NRAO or Associated Universities. However, they may contain useful information or resources that would be of interest to other NRAO staff members and the general public. Please direct comments, etc. to the individual authors, and not to the webmaster.

NOTE: Some staff members may have home pages at more than one site.

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See also The ESO E-mail gateway for a general way of finding out the address of someone in Astronomy world-wide.

This file was automatically generated on Fri Feb 14 06:04:04 2025

Rodrigo Amestica cv ramestic
Will Armentrout gb warmentr
Dana Balser gb dbalser
Dana Balser cv dbalser
Tim Bastian cv tbastian
Tim Bastian aoc tbastian
Wolfgang Baudler gb wbaudler
Hichem Ben Frej aoc hbenfrej
Sanjay Bhatnagar aoc sbhatnag
Jim Braatz gb jbraatz
Joe Brandt gb jbrandt
Walter Brisken aoc wbrisken
Crystal Brogan cv cbrogan
Crystal Brogan aoc cbrogan
Bryan Butler aoc bbutler
Chris Carilli aoc ccarilli
Claire Chandler aoc cchandle
Poonam Chandra cv pchandra
Barry Clark aoc bclark
Chris Clark gb cclark
Mark Claussen aoc mclausse
Tyler Cohen aoc tcohen
Bill Cotton cv bcotton
Jared Anand Crossley aoc jcrossle
Paul Demorest cv pdemores
Paul Demorest aoc pdemores
Vivek Dhawan aoc vdhawan
Dillon Dong aoc ddong
John Effland cv jeffland
Dennis Egan gb degan
Jean Eilek aoc jeilek
Jennifer Jackson cv jejackso
Bjorn Emonts cv bemonts
Aaron Evans cv aevans
Ed Fomalont cv efomalon
David Frayer gb dfrayer
Bob Garwood cv bgarwood
Frank Ghigo gb fghigo
Kumar Golap aoc kgolap
Eric Greisen aoc egreisen
Antonio Hales cv ahales
Tim Hankins aoc thankins
Kris Haskins aoc khaskins
Sue Heatherly gb sheather
John Hibbard cv jhibbard
Rafael Hiriart aoc rhiriart
David Hogg cv dhogg
Todd Hunter cv thunter
Gareth Hunt cv ghunt
Remy Indebetouw cv rindebet
Christophe Jacques cv cjacques
Preshanth Jagannathan aoc pjaganna
Phil Jewell cv pjewell
Phil Jewell aoc pjewell
Anna Kapinska aoc akapinsk
Ken Kellermann cv kkellerm
Brian Kent cv bkent
Amanda Kepley gb akepley
Anthony Kerr cv akerr
Amy Kimball aoc akimball
Dong-Chan Kim cv dkim
Wayne Koski aoc wkoski
Mark Lacy cv mlacy
James Law aoc jlaw
Allen Lewis aoc alewis
Andrew Lipnicky cv alipnick
Harvey Liszt cv hliszt
Jay Lockman gb jlockman
Matt Luce aoc mluce
Dominic Ludovici cv dludovic
Ryan Lynch gb rlynch
Daniel Lyons aoc dlyons
Ron Maddalena gb jmaddale
Josh Malone cv jmalone
Jeff Mangum cv jmangum
Paul Marganian gb pmargani
Ralph Marson aoc rmarson
Brian Mason gb bmason
Brian Mason cv bmason
Joseph Masters cv jmasters
Brett McGuire cv bmcguire
Andrew McNichols cv amcnicho
Drew Medlin aoc dmedlin
Heidi Medlin aoc hmedlin
Eddie Mikell cv emikell
Toney Minter gb tminter
Amy Mioduszewski aoc amiodusz
George Moellenbrock aoc gmoellen
Emmanuel Momjian aoc emomjian
Kunal Mooley aoc kmooley
Matthew Morgan cv mmorgan2
Lawrence Morgan gb lmorgan
Jim Muehlberg cv jmuehlbe
Jim Muehlberg aoc jmuehlbe
Patrick Murphy cv pmurphy
Davis Murphy cv dmurphy
Charlie Myers gb cmyers
Steven Myers aoc smyers
Peter Napier aoc pnapier
Chuck Niday gb cniday
Dale Nordstrom cv dnordstr
Jim Ogle aoc jogle
Karen O'Neil gb koneil
Juergen Ott aoc jott
Frazer Owen aoc fowen
Paul Padilla aoc ppadilla
Tony Perreault aoc tperreau
Adele Plunkett cv aplunket
Betty Ragan aoc bragan
Scott Ransom cv sransom
Rachel Rosen gb rrosen
Viviana Rosero aoc vrosero
Bruce Rowen aoc browen
Kevin Ryan aoc kryan
Kamaljeet Saini cv ksaini
Pedro Salas gb psalas
Darrell Schiebel cv dschieb
Frank Schinzel aoc fschinze
Fred Schwab cv fschwab
Kelly Elizabeth Sharp cv esharp
Richard Simon cv rsimon
Nathaniel Sizemore gb nsizemor
Lorant Sjouwerman aoc lsjouwer
Anthony Sowinski aoc asowinsk
Sivasankaran Srikanth cv ssrikant
Dick Thompson cv athompso
John Tobin cv jtobin
Takahiro Tsutsumi aoc ttsutsum
Urvashi Rao Venkata aoc rurvashi
Lance Utley cv lutley
Gustaaf Van Moorsel aoc gvanmoor
Craig Walker aoc cwalker
Mark Whitehead gb mwhitehe
Stephan Witz aoc switz
Al Wootten cv awootten
Al Wootten aoc awootten
Joan Wrobel aoc jwrobel
Rui Xue cv rxue
Ilsang Yoon cv iyoon

Facility created by Pat Murphy