HomeFinding Aids to the CollectionsFinding Aid to the Papers of Grote Reber, 1848-2002

Finding Aid to the Papers of Grote Reber, 1848-2002

Grote Reber, 1988            Grote Reber, 1912       Grote Reber, 1960    Grote Reber, 1947   Grote Reber    Grote Reber, 1975    Grote Reber at the VLA
Related resources: See also Woodruff T. Sullivan's 1975 and 1978 interviews with Reber.


Location of collection: National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Archives, 520 Edgemont Rd., Charlottesville, VA. Phone: 1-434-296-0203, email: archivist at nrao.edu

Title and dates of the collection: Papers of Grote Reber, 1848-2002

Size of the collection: 102 linear feet.

Papers/Records created by: Reber, Grote (1911-2002)

Short description of collection: These papers document the career, research, and personal life of Grote Reber, who designed and built the world’s first radio telescope in 1937, and established radio astronomy as a key sub-discipline of astronomy. His interest and research in radio astronomy and in other fields, including archeology, botany, electronics, and meteorology, continued nearly until the time of his death in 2002. The papers consist of correspondence, technical and research materials on radio astronomy and a wide variety of other topics, manuscripts and published papers, speeches, ham radio materials, newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs, and other miscellaneous materials.

Selected search terms:

  • Reber, Grote, 1911-2002
  • Radio astronomy - History
  • Radio telescopes
  • Research Corporation
  • National Radio Astronomy Observatory (U.S.)
  • Antennas (Electronics)
  • Atmospherics
  • Meteorology
  • Ionosphere
  • Archaeology - Australia
  • Beans


Biography: Grote Reber was born in Chicago, Illinois on 22 December 1911, and grew up in Wheaton, a suburb of Chicago. His father, Schuyler Colefax Reber (1867-1933), was a lawyer and part owner of a canning factory, and his mother, Harriet Grote Reber (1871-1945) had been a teacher before her marriage. When he was 16, Reber received his amateur radio license, W9GFZ; the license was signed by then Secretary of the Interior, Herbert Hoover. He graduated from Armour Institute of Technology (now the Illinois Institute of Technology) in 1933 with a degree in electrical engineering, and between 1933 and 1947 held a series of jobs with Chicago companies, including General Household Utilities, Stewart-Warner Corporation, and the Research Foundation of the Armour Institute of Technology.

Reber had read about Karl Jansky's 1933 detection of cosmic radio emission, and tried unsuccessfully to interest astronomers at University of Chicago's Yerkes Observatory and at other observatories and universities in further research in the area. Finally, he said, "I consulted with myself and decided to build a dish." He took the summer of 1937 off from his job with Stewart-Warner, and, using his own funds, designed and built a 32-ft parabolic transit dish in the vacant lot next to his mother's house, and then designed and built a series of sensitive radio receivers to place at the focal point of his dish. Since automobile ignition noise interfered with his observations, Reber worked only at night, and recorded by hand the minute-by-minute readings from his output meter. He continued at his job in Chicago during the day, and slept for a few hours each evening. He detected galactic radio noise in 1939, made the first maps of radio emission from the galaxy, and detected solar radio emission in 1943.

The astronomical community was initially skeptical about his work, and the editor of The Astrophysical Journal was hesitant to publish the results. Reber claimed, "The astronomers of the time didn't know anything about radio or electronics, and the radio engineers didn't know anything about astronomy. They thought the whole affair was at best a mistake, and at worst a hoax." Finally, after several astronomers visited his Wheaton installation, they were convinced of the soundness of his work, and his initial papers on "Cosmic Static" were published almost simultaneously in The Astrophysical Journal and the Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers.

In 1947 Reber accepted a position with the National Bureau of Standards in Washington, D.C., where he was to set up a radio program at the Central Radio Propagation Laboratory. He sold the Wheaton dish and all his instrumentation to the government, and it was all moved to the NBS facility at Sterling, Virginia. Reber was soon frustrated by working as part of a government bureaucracy, by the lack of support for building a large radio telescope, and by the growing influence of McCarthyism. He was interested in the sea interferometry techniques being used by Australian radio astronomers, and, in 1951, abandoned his dish and the National Bureau of Standards, and went to Hawaii to work independently. From 1951 to 1954 he worked on Mt. Haleakala on Maui, Hawaii, building a rotating antenna. His observations were hampered by ionospheric refraction and terrestrial interference, so he got useful data for only a few strong radio sources. Because of his observing problems, he studied the ionosphere, and published important papers on the ionosphere and the atmosphere, as well as a paper on the age of lava flows.

Reber was always eager to investigate new questions, and in July 1954 he wrote, "As you probably guessed, now that I am beginning to understand the phenomena available here at Kole Kole [Hawaii], I am beginning to lose interest in the situation and am anxious to get on with the next experiment." He moved from Hawaii to Tasmania in 1954, primarily because he expected the ionospheric transparency associated with the south magnetic pole would provide observing opportunities not available elsewhere. He concentrated on long wavelengths, and designed and built several arrays to study Galactic radio emission and absorption.

Reber had a keen interest in political and social issues, and was particularly concerned with the management of U.S. scientific research, arguing against the funding of big science and large radio telescope projects. He questioned the "big-bang" universe, and argued vigorously against it until his death. Throughout his life he was interested in a wide variety of non-astronomy topics, and he did research and published papers in archaeology, meteorology, and botany. He was concerned about population growth and preservation of natural resources, and he designed and built his own energy-efficient house and his own electric car. He kept meticulous records on everything: how far he walked each day, postmark and receipt date for all received mail, how long light bulbs in his house lasted, which foot parrots held berries in while eating. He collected old broadcast radios, vacuum tubes, and early electronic equipment.

With the exception of his time at National Bureau of Standards, Reber worked independently, and continued with his own research even during a few brief honorary appointments at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Ohio State University, and Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. Between 1951 and 1980 he received financial support from the The Research Corporation, whose grant administrators’ remarkable flexibility allowed Reber to conduct research in his own non-traditional ways. His technical skills, his imagination and curiosity, his stubborn persistence and disregard for conventional methods and opinions, led him to investigate topics ignored by others. Reber built the world's first radio telescope, was the world's first radio astronomer, and for almost ten years was the only person in the world devoting significant research time to radio astronomy. Reber's pioneering work was ultimately recognized by the professional astronomy community. He received the Franklin Institute’s Cresson Prize, an honorary Doctor of Science from Ohio State University, the American Astronomical Society’s Russell Lecture Prize, the Bruce Medal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, the Associated Universities Inc. Jansky Lectureship, and the Jackson-Gwilt Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Although he made trips to the U.S., including one in 1959-1960 to reconstruct his Wheaton dish at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, West Virginia, Reber continued to live in Tasmania after moving there in 1954. He applied for Australian citizenship, which was granted, but he never followed through with the final formalities, so remained a U.S. citizen. He died in Tasmania on 20 December 2002, two days before his 91st birthday.

[Biographical note written by Ellen N. Bouton, with advice and assistance from Kenneth I. Kellermann. For a more detailed biography of Reber, see K.I. Kellermann: "Grote Reber (1911-2002)" Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 116, 703-711, 2004.]


Accession history: In 1982, at the request of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) Director Morton S. Roberts, Margaret B. Weems, NRAO Technical Publications, wrote to Grote Reber inquiring about Reber’s interest in depositing his research equipment and documentation with NRAO in Green Bank, WV. There was apparently no further correspondence at that time. In 1989, Kenneth I. Kellerman, NRAO Senior Scientist, visited Reber in Tasmania, Australia, and suggested to Reber that his materials should be preserved. Reber wrote to Kellermann on 23 August 1993, offering to donate his materials to NRAO; following discussions with NRAO Director Paul Vanden Bout, Kellermann wrote back to Reber on 9 September 1993 accepting the donation. After lengthy negotiations between Reber, Kellermann, and the shipping agents, 98 packing crates of books, journals, papers, correspondence, artifacts, and equipment were shipped from Tasmania in July 1994, and arrived at the NRAO site in Green Bank WV in autumn of 1994. Over the next several months, an initial rough inventory and sort of the material was done by Kellermann and several members of the NRAO staff, primarily Hein Hvatum, Fred Crews, George Grove, and Carl Chestnut. On 24 May 1995, Reber arrived in Green Bank, and spent the next several weeks helping with the sorting of materials and equipment, and sharing stories and information about them.

On 6 June 1999 Reber wrote to the Director, Radio Observatory, Green Bank, WV, suggesting he send his remaining artifacts to Green Bank, and requesting payment of shipping costs, his travel, the wages of assistant, contingency funds ($2K), and the refurbishment of the small Reber Building adjacent to the reconstructed Reber telescope in Green Bank. Unfortunately, this letter was addressed to Green Bank and was ignored by the local Green Bank staff. On 28 September 1999 Reber wrote again, this time to NRAO Director Paul Vanden Bout in Charlottesville VA, inquiring about his previous letter. On 11 November 1999, Kellermann responded to Reber, agreeing in principle but suggesting a delay in shipment until the new Science Center, planned for construction in Green Bank, was completed, since that was where the artifacts would be housed. There was no further correspondence on this topic, no material was shipped, and Reber died in December 2002.

On April 3 and 4, 2003, Dave Jauncey, Tasso Tzioumis, and Dave McConnell, all from the Australia Telescope National Facility, Esko Valtaoa, visiting radio astronomer from Finland, Martin George, from the Queen Victoria Museum, and Dale Blanchard, executor of Reber's estate inventoried all of the materials in Reber's house. In September 2003, Kellermann and Australian radio astronomer David Jauncey met with Dale Blanchard, executor of Reber's estate, to discuss plans for commemorating Reber's life and work. Kellermann and Jauncey then visited the Queen Victoria Museum, Launceston, Tasmania, to inspect the remaining materials, now stored at QVM. Although Reber's correspondence with NRAO in 1999 indicated he had only equipment and artifacts to ship, materials at QVM included a quantity of papers, manuscripts, and correspondence equal to or greater than what had been shipped to NRAO in 1994. It is expected that equipment and artifacts which relate primarily to Reber's activities in Tasmania will remain in Australia where they will be on display at the QVM and at Parkes. In April 2004, Kellermann, Jauncey, and Martin George, astronomer, historian, planetarium director and QVM Acting Director, spent four days sorting the materials at QVM and creating a very preliminary inventory. Also in April 2004, Reber's papers, publications, and correspondence received at NRAO in 1994 were transferred to to NRAO’s new Archives in Charlottesville VA, and processing of the collection was begun. Processing of materials transferred to the NRAO Archives in 2004 was completed in December 2006 by Evelyn Braintwain and Ellen Bouton. Artifacts and equipment received in 1994 will remain in Green Bank WV, and many items are on display or will be used in future displays at the Green Bank Science Center.

Additional papers were shipped from Tasmania in 2008 and 2009. In the interest of efficient processing, processing was delayed in expectation of receipt of the remaining papers, but when it seemed likely that remaining materials would stay permanently in Tasmania, some material was processed by Sierra Smith in 2013, and additional processing was done in 2016 by Candice Waller and Ellen Bouton.


Access to collection: No restrictions. The Archives are open part-time; contact the Archivist for appointment.


Restrictions on use of collection: No restrictions on Reber’s papers. Related materials, including photographs taken by David Jauncey and Martin George, and photocopies from other sources gathered by Kenneth I. Kellermann during his research on Reber, are available for study but may not be copied, as ownership and copyright rests with other persons or institutions.


Publication rights: Copyright for personal and research papers has been assigned to the NRAO/AUI Archives; all requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Archivist.


Preferred citation: National Radio Astronomy Observatory/Associated Universities, Inc. Archives, Papers of Grote Reber, <series/unit/subunit/box #>. After the initial citation, abbreviations may be used: NRAO/AUI Archives, Reber Papers, <series/unit/subunit/box #>.


Processing notes: This collection was processed by Ellen N. Bouton and Evelyn Braintwain, with assistance from Kenneth I. Kellermann. Selected correspondence, papers, and data extracted from material received in Green Bank in 1994 was arranged chronologically by Kellermann in 2003; some staples and paper clips were removed. Arrangement, description, indexing, foldering and boxing of this material was begun in April 2004 by Bouton; final processing of materials held at NRAO, including digitization of photographs, was done by Braintwain between August 2005 and December 2006. Remaining paper clips and staples were removed during processing. Preservation photocopies were made of newspaper clippings, and the original clippings were discarded. Digitization of most documents in the collection received in 1994 was done in 2007-2008. Additional papers were shipped from Tasmania in 2008 and 2009. In the interest of efficient processing, processing was delayed in expectation of receipt of the remaining papers, but when it seemed likely that remaining materials would stay in Tasmania, some material was processed by Sierra Smith in 2013, and additional processing was done in 2016 by Candice Waller and Ellen Bouton.


Scope and Contents of Collection

Correspondence Series: With the exceptions noted below, this series currently includes the bulk of Reber’s correspondence from 1924-2002. For his handwritten notes, diagrams, calculations, and data, Reber frequently used the backs of letters written to him, sometimes apparently unsolicited mail but also letters from equipment manufacturers regarding items he had either ordered or inquired about. He occasionally used the backs of carbon copies of his own letters as well. Thus, researchers using the correspondence may also wish to examine Reber’s papers from the appropriate time period to see if there is any relevant correspondence on the verso of the papers. Additionally, Reber occasionally used the backs of similar letters to him for his own carbon copies. Letters are often annotated with notes about postmark and receipt dates, with receipt dates of items requested, or with notes about enclosures.

Staples or clips attaching handwritten notes and other materials to letters have been removed and the material filed with the letters. When they have been retained, any photographs, drawings, reprints, or other materials sent to Reber have been filed with the relevant letters.

Correspondence related to some significant groupings of material has been kept with that material in either the Notes and Papers series or the Publications series. For example, the several letters relating to the 1947 move of Reber’s equipment from Wheaton IL to Sterling VA have been filed in the Antenna series with the notes, paper, contracts, etc related to that move. Correspondence, either between Reber and the editors or between Reber and his co-authors, related to the drafts, editing, and publishing process of Reber’s publications, has been filed with the particular publication in the Publications series. However, correspondence related to Reber’s various rejected submissions has been retained with the General Correspondence series.

All other correspondence has been divided into four units:

  • Research Corporation Correspondence Unit: This unit includes correspondence from 14 February 1954 through 1999. Primary correspondents are Grote Reber; J. William Hinkley, President; Charles H. Schauer, Director of the Grants Program and later Vice President; Alfred Kelleher, Field Representative in California and later Division of Grants in New York; Hal H. Ramsey, Field Representative in California; Isabelle Goldfischer, Kelleher’s secretary in New York; and Jennie Ewanoski, Schauer’s Administrative Assistant. Much of this correspondence includes informal personal exchanges in addition to the particular topic(s) of the letter. Correspondence dated 1954-April 1967, received from Reber in 1995 and processed in 2004-2006, is arranged chronologically; individual items have been digitized. Correspondence for the period May 1967-1999, received in 2008-2009 and processed in 2013, had been grouped by year by Reber and that arrangement has been retained; no items from this group have been digitized. Size: 1.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents (1954-April 1967) and a list of non-digitized folders (May 1967-1999).

    • Miscellaneous Research Corporation Material Subunit: This subunit consists of one folder containing photocopies of material related to Reber’s long relationship with the Research Corporation; these photocopies were made by K.I. Kellermann during a visit to the Research Corporation archives on 19 February 2004. Material covers the period 1947-1987 and includes copies of correspondence between Reber and the Research Corporation that predate material in Reber’s own correspondence files currently in Charlottesville, copies of correspondence related to Reber’s work between the Research Corporation and other persons, a review of Reber’s relationship with the Research Corporation between 1950 and 1957 attributed to Charles H. Schauer, and a section about Reber from Schauer’s summary of his years at Research Corporation written on his retirement. Size: 37 items. Cite this material as "Courtesy of Research Corporation, a foundation for the advancement of science." Click here for digitized documents.

  • Family Correspondence Unit: Correspondence between Reber and family members, primarily his brother Schuyler (1914-1989) and Schuyler’s wife, Jean. This unit currently covers the period 1923-1966, although the bulk of the correspondence covers 1952-1960. Also included is one small group of 1993-1996 correspondence between Reber and Molly King Guy, and one folder of photocopies of family correspondence still in Tasmania, including Reber genealogical information. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents.

  • Canadian Correspondence Unit: This unit includes correspondence received in 2008-2009 and processed 2013-2016 related to radio astronomy in Canada. Material is dated 1976-2000 and Reber's original folder titles have been retained. Most items have been scanned. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents. Related materials: See also Reber's correspondence with individuals in the General Correspondence II Unit, particularly Paul Feldman, Jim Luty, and Paul Marmet (includes correspondence on the aborted 1989 exploratory trip to Georgian Bay); correspondence prior to 1979, e.g. with John Galt, is filed in the General Correspondence I Unit.

  • General Correspondence I Unit: This unit is a chronological file of the general correspondence transferred to the Archives by Reber in 1994 and processed in 2004-2006. Correspondence in this unit is dated 1933-1996, with a large portion dated prior to the mid-1970s. Individual items have been digitized. Correspondence related to the shipment of 98 cases of equipment and papers to NRAO in 1994 is included in this unit. Some of the major correspondents include Arthur E. Covington, Jesse L. Greenstein, Karl G. Jansky, Rhys Jones, Joseph L. Pawsey, George C. Southworth, and Ralph E. Williamson. Correspondence related to Reber's receipt of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific's Bruce Medal, the Royal Astronomical Society's Jackson-Gwilt Medal, and the Russell Lectureship is included. The Bruce Medal is on public display at the Du Page County Illinois Historical Museum. For correspondence received in 2008-2009 and processed 2013-2016, see the General Correspondence II Unit below.  Related material: see also the Reber correspondence collected by Kenneth I. Kellermann in the Papers of Kenneth I. Kellermann, which has copies of correspondence not included here.   Size: 1.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents.

  • General Correspondence II Unit: This unit includes correspondence received in 2008-2009 and processed 2013-2016. Reber had organized this correspondence in two sequences, chronological and alphabetical, and that arrangement has been retained; no items have been digitized. Correspondence in this unit is dated 1964-2002. Size: 6.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.


Notes and Papers Series: This series contains Reber’s own notes, drawings, photographs, diagrams, observational data, and calculations, as well as meeting programs, customs documents, membership cards, instruction booklets and handbooks, world maps and localized topographic maps, and other miscellaneous retained materials, including railroading, meteor craters, and Hobart Walking Club materials and records. Design and construction notes, drawings, and related correspondence for the Wheaton antenna, as well as its reconstruction in Sterling, Virginia, and Green Bank West Virginia, are included in Antennas series. Reber’s own publications, along with drafts thereof, are part of the Publications series. However, materials related to his presentations at meetings for which there were no published proceedings, including the December 1953 AAAS Section D Symposium on Radio Astronomy and the January 1954 Radio Astronomy Conference held at Carnegie Institution in Washington DC, are filed in this series, as are unpublished manuscripts and their related correspondence. Correspondence related to some significant groupings of material has been kept with the material. This series includes all materials and correspondence related to Reber’s receipt of the Franklin Institute’s Elliott Cresson Medal in 1963; the medal is on public display at the Du Page County Illinois Historical Museum. This series currently covers the period 1920-1966. Size: 3.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents and a list of non-digitized material.


Personal Finances Series: This series includes Reber’s personal financial information from 1937 through 1968. Included are correspondence; receipts; notes; brochures; subscription renewals; lists and receipts of purchases; bank statements; checkbook stubs; tax forms; W2s; and records of stock dividends. Folder titles used are the titles from Reber’s manila envelopes. Reber’s grants and financial arrangements with The Research Corporation are discussed in The Research Corporation Correspondence Series; financial records related to Reber's antennas are included in the Antennas Series. Size: 1.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.


Photographs Series: This series contains photos, negatives, and slides from approximately 1910 through the late 1980s. The material has been sorted and a listing compiled and filed with each group; a master listing for all photographs is filed at the beginning of the series. When they existed, Reber’s original, handwritten lists of photographs, negatives, or slides have been retained. The series includes photos, negatives, and/or slides of Reber's scientific work (antennas, arrays, ham radio, electric cars); personal interests (locomotives, cloud formations, plants, flowers, houses, kitchen middens); family; travel and research destinations (Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, New Zealand, Tasmania) and more. Contact the archivist for information about access to undigitized photos. Size: 3.5 linear feet.

Selected photographs have been digitized and organized into the following thematic units and subunits:

  • Antennas Unit
    • Wheaton Antenna Subunit: Click here for digitized photographs.
    • National Bureau of Standards Antennas Subunit: These photographs are of Wurzburg antennas and Reber's antennas at NBS. Click here for digitized photographs.
    • Haleakala Antenna Subunit: Click here for digitized photographs.
    • Kempton Antenna Subunit: Click here for digitized photographs.
    • Green Bank Reconstruction Subunit: Click here for digitized photographs.
    • Dennistoun Antenna Subunit: Click here for digitized photographs.
  • Attu Expedition Unit: This unit includes photographs from Reber's participation in a Naval Research Laboratory expedition to observe a September 1950 total solar eclipse on the island of Attu at the westernmost end of the Aleutian Islands. There are additional photos that have not been digitized, primarily scenery not specifically related to the eclipse expedition. Click here for digitized photographs.

  • Ham Radio Unit: Photographs related to Reber's involvement with ham radio from 1928-1938.  See also the photo of Reber and the Fox River Radio League in the Additional Materials About Reber, Photographs Unit. Click here for digitized photographs.

  • People Unit

    • Grote Reber Subunit: Click here for digitized photographs.
    • Reber Family Subunit: Click here for digitized photographs.
    • Grote Reber Photos from CSIRO Subunit: This is a small collection of photographs held by CSIRO. Click here for digitized photographs.
  • Wheaton, Illinois Unit: Click here for digitized photographs.


Reber Publications Series: This series includes Reber’s publications in books, journals, and published conference proceedings. It includes drafts, final versions, proofs, cuts from journals, and reprints. If neither journal cuts nor reprints are available, we have retained a photocopy of the article, Correspondence, either between Reber and the editors or between Reber and his co-authors, related to the drafts, editing, and publishing process has been filed with the relevant publication. However, correspondence related to Reber’s various rejected submissions has been retained with the General Correspondence series. Materials related to his presentations at meetings for which there were no published proceedings, including the December 1953 AAAS Section D Symposium on Radio Astronomy and the January 1954 Radio Astronomy Conference held at Carnegie Institution in Washington DC, are filed in the Notes and Papers series. Unpublished papers are also filed in the Notes and Papers series. This series includes 86 publications and covers the period 1935-1995. Size: 6.0 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.

For a bibliographic listing of Reber's publications, click here.


Collected Publications Series: This series includes publicatons received by Reber from individuals, institutions, and corporations, as well as items collected by him. Material includes journal cuts, photostats, reprints, preprints, and reports. Although some materials were requested by Reber, there are many for which it is unclear whether they were received unsolicited or were received in response to his requests. Others, such as the newspaper clippings and journal cuts, were clearly collected by Reber. Reber collected and grouped these materials in large manilla envelopes; the envelopes have been discarded, but his original groupings have been retained, and his handwritten labeling on the envelopes have been used as the folder titles. Letters requesting reprints and Reber's handwritten notes have been retained with the appropriate group. Preservation photocopies have been made of the newspaper clippings. This series has been divided into three units. Reprints of Reber's own publications are included in the Reber Publications Series.

  • Reprints, Reports, and Theses Unit: This unit includes reprints, reports, and theses received by Reber from individuals from 1935 through 1966. Reber arranged the reprints by country, with several additional topical categories; his original arrangement of reprints has been maintained. Some folders contain photos of various telescopes, as well as Reber’s related notes and papers. The reprints are from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, England, France, Holland, India, Japan, and the United States. Reber's topical categories in the unit are CSIRO Parkes Radio Telescope, Radio Astronomy Reprints, and Miscellaneous Reprints; there is also a separate group of reprints by A. E. Covington. This unit also includes miscellaneous reports and theses received by Reber which he did not file in his geographical or topical categories. Size: 5.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.

  • Corporate and Institutional Publications Unit: This unit includes annual reports, proceedings, bulletins, etc., published between 1951 and 1966, received by Reber from corporations and institutions, including The Research Corporation, The Hawaiian Academy of Science, and others. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.

  • Miscellaneous Collected Publications Unit: This unit contains journal cuts, photostats, reprints, preprints, and reports collected by Reber. Materials are dated 1933 through 1949. Reber's original arrangement of the collection has been retained. Journal cuts are from Sky and Telescope, IAU Quarterly Bulletin on Solar Activity, Electronics, Radio News, The Observatory, Nature, Astrophysical Journal, Popular Astronomy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Philosophical Magazine, Science, Popular Mechanics, NBS reports, NRL reports, and various other journals, including many engineering journals. Some of the collection includes mention of Reber; most are topics of interest to him. Letters requesting reprints and handwritten notes have been retained. Also included in this unit are Reber's notes and citations from various journals from 1932 through 1966. Size: 1.25 linear feet.


Newspaper and Magazine Clippings Series: This series contains newspaper and magazine clippings, as well as journal cuts, from 1932 through 1988, that were collected by Reber. This series has been divided into 4 units. Size : 0.5 linear feet.

  • Newspaper and Magazine Clippings about Reber Unit: This unit includes articles about Grote Reber or that make mention of him from August 1937 through July 1988. The sources include Encyclopedia Britannica, the Journal of the Franklin Institute, the Los Angeles Times, the British Institute of Electrical Engineering News Journal, The Mercury, Mosaic, Coresearch, Philatelic Bulletin of the Australian Post Office, Tasmanian Year Book, Physics Today, Sky and Telescope, as well as a mention of Reber in Arthur C. Clarke’s Imperial Earth. The material covers Reber’s work in radio astronomy as well as an article about his energy-efficient house in Bothwell. Size: 1 folder. Click here for digitized documents.

  • Newspaper and Magazine Clippings about Reber at NBS Unit: This unit includes newspaper and journal clippings about Reber’s appointment to the NBS staff and his work at NBS from 12 August 1947 through 17 February 1950. The publications include The Evening Star; The Washington Daily News; The Washington Post; NBS Technical News Bulletin; Science; Radio Craft and Popular Electronics; Radio-Electronic Engineering; Mechanix Illustrated; the Illinois Institute of Technology Alumni News; Electrical Engineering; Electronics; Journal of Applied Physics; Journal of Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity; Popular Astronomy; Proceedings of the IRE; Review of Scientific Instruments; and the Washington Star. Size: 1 folder. Click here for digitized documents.

  • Kole Kole Newspaper and Magazine Clippings Unit: This unit includes newspaper and magazine clippings from 1952 through 1956 that refer to Reber’s astronomy research in Hawaii. Sources include Maui News, Honolulu Advertiser, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, and The Island Call. Size: 1 folder. Click here for digitized documents.

  • Miscellaneous Newspaper and Magazine Clippings Unit: This unit includes newspaper and magazine clippings, as well as scientific journal cuts, from 1932 through 1965. Sources include the Sydney Morning Herald, The Sun-Herald, the Washington Post, American Scientist, Look, Popular Science, and Nature. Reber’s notes and some correspondence are included. Size : 1 folder. Click here for digitized documents.


Antennas Series: Units in this series include materials on antennas and antenna arrays built by Reber, as well as materials related to Reber’s studies of antennas and arrays. For material on the various areas of research for which Reber used the antennas, see the Radio Astronomy Series.

  • Antenna Array Study Unit: This unit includes detailed calculations and graphs made by Reber and P. T. Miller between 1953 and 1958 in response to a paper entitled "A Current Distribution for Broadside Arrays Which Optimizes the Relationship between Beam Width and Side-Lobe Level" by C. L. Dolph, published in Proceedings of the IRE, vol. 34, no. 6, p. 335 (1946). Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.

  • Dennistoun Antenna Installation Unit: This unit includes Reber’s information concerning his installation of an antenna array of 192 dipoles at Dennistoun, Tasmania. Dennistoun was a property a few kilometers north of Bothwell; Reber obtained permission from its owners, the Edgell family, to build his antenna there. Folder titles used are the titles from Reber’s manila envelopes. The material includes notes, correspondence, receipts, work orders, contracts, drawings, graphs, and brochures from 7 April 1953 through 21 November 1966. Additional folders processed in 2013 are dated 1968-1987, but individual items in the folders have not been digitized. The results of Reber’s research were published in his 1968 papers "Atmospheric Pressure Oscillations in Tasmania" and "Cosmic Static at 144 Meters Wavelength." Size: 1.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material. Related materials: See also the correspondence with Geoffrey Edgell in the General Correspondence II Unit above.

  • German Knickebein and Wurzburg Antennas Unit: This unit includes correspondence, notes, photos, reports, journal cuts, and maps related to Reber’s search from 1945 through 1950 for World War II German Knickebein and Wurzburg antennas. Size: 0.5 linear feet.

  • Kempton Antenna Installation Unit: This unit includes Reber’s information concerning his installation of horizontal dipole antennas at Kempton, Tasmania. Folder titles used are the titles from Reber’s manila envelopes. The material includes notes, diagrams, graphs, charts, drawings, correspondence, data books, log books, and photographs from 24 April 1956 through 7 July 1959. The results of Reber’s research were published in the following papers: "Cosmic Radio-Frequency Radiation Near One Megacycle" (1956); "Between the Atmospherics" (1958); "Cosmic Static at Kilometer Wavelengths" (1960). Size: 1.0 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents.

  • Rotating Antenna at Haleakala, Hawaii Unit: This unit includes correspondence from 6 August 1951 through 8 September 1958 and notes and papers from 19 October 1949 through 30 August 1958. Primary correspondents are Grote Reber, R. J. Grenier, Harry E. Murray, Frank W. Hustace, Charles Penhallow, and Neil K. Kietrich. The correspondence covers information about the site for the rotating antenna and inquiries about photographs taken of the antenna after it was damaged in an ice storm. The notes and papers include Reber’s plans and drawings, as well as various information regarding the rotating antenna. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents. Related materials: See the Maui folder in the Brochures, Maps, and Mementos Series for detailed maps and other general information on Haleakala. See Additional Materials about Reber for 2005-2006 photos and for reports on the 3 December 2012 demolition of the Reber Circle.

    • Haleakala Antenna Financial Records Subunit: This sub-unit includes receipts, invoices, correspondence, notes, trip expenses, bank statements, cancelled checks, and Reber’s expense synopsis from 1951, 1955, 1957 through 1958 for his Haleakala antenna project. Reber’s original arrangement of the materials has been retained. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents and a list of non-digitized material.

  • Sea Interferometry Unit: This unit includes correspondence from 17 January 1950 through 15 May 1958. Primary correspondents are Grote Reber, J.G. Bolton, J.L. Pawsey, G. Stanley, J.H. Piddington, and R.H. Simpson. Also included are Reber’s notes and papers, collected reprints, Pilot Charts of the North Pacific Ocean 1951, Sea and Swell Charts of the North Pacific Ocean 1941, and a book entitled Wind Waves at Sea - Breakers and Surf by Bigelow and Edmondson. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents and a list of non-digitized material.

  • Steerable Antennas Unit: This unit includes notes, charts, graphs, some correspondence, and calculations by P. T. Miller from 1952 through 1954. Detailed notes from the front of Reber’s manila envelopes were photocopied and inserted in the front of each folder. All items are filed according to Reber’s original arrangement. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.

  • Tasmanian Arrays - Equipment and Supplies Unit: This unit includes notes, charts, diagrams, brochures, catalogs, graphs, calculations, price lists, price quotes, packing lists, instruction booklets, newspaper clippings, purchase orders, and correspondence about RF tuners, phasing systems, filters, recorders, line transformers, wiring, antenna couplers and signal generators, vibration dampers, tree bicycle, borax, and porcelain insulators, from 12 April 1953 through 11 March 1967. All the equipment and supplies were used to prepare or enhance Reber’s antenna arrays in Tasmania. Folder titles used are the titles from Reber’s manila envelopes. All items are filed according to Reber’s original arrangement. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents. Related materials: See the Brochures, Maps, and Mementos Series for maps and other general information on Tasmania.

  • Tasmanian Astronomy Sites Unit: This unit contains materials from 1954 through 1960 related to Reber’s exploration of potential antenna sites in Tasmania. Included are magnetic fields of the earth prints, correspondence, notes, photos, diagrams, maps, and surveying layouts of Dennistoun, Bothwell, and Macquarie Island. Size: 0.5 linear feet plus 1 storage tube, 3" x 3" x 36". Click here for digitized documents and a list of non-digitized material. Related materials: See the Brochures, Maps, and Mementos Series for maps and other general information on Tasmania.

  • Wheaton Antenna Unit: This unit includes financial records, design and construction notes, drawings, and correspondence related to the building and operation of the Wheaton antenna, as well as later moves of the antenna to and reconstructions in Sterling, Virginia, and Green Bank, West Virginia. Materials are dated 1937-1960. Financial records include detailed records on the purchase and cost of materials for the Wheaton antenna from 1937 through 1947, Reber’s lists of purchased materials and his notes, invoice copies, receipts, expense summary sheets, and correspondence. There is one folder of data taken with the telescope between 4 June and 4 November 1938. Records of the antenna at National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in Sterling include correspondence, materials on the purchase of the antenna by NBS in 1947, the shipment of the antenna to Sterling, notes on reconstruction, as well as pages describing the antenna and research with it extracted by Reber from various NBS publications. Records of the reconstruction of the Wheaton antenna at National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank in 1959-1960 include correspondence, notes, and Reber's detailed reconstruction drawings. Size: 1.0 linear feet plus one box, 23" x 29" x 1.75", containing the Green Bank reconstruction drawings. Click here for digitized documents.


Antique Radios Series: This series includes materials related to Reber's interest in antique radios and radio parts. The series is divided into two units:

  • Antique Radio Correspondence Unit: This unit includes correspondence from 8 October 1958 through 29 March 1966. Primary correspondents are Grote Reber; Leslie A. Galloway; Clifford A. and Emily Kunz; Bruce Kelley, Secretary of the Antique Wireless Association; Joseph J. Simpson; Bob Farmer; the Rembler Company; and Walter Roberts. The correspondence covers Reber’s interest in The Antique Wireless Association’s publication The Old Timer’s Bulletin, and in obtaining past issues of Radio and Radio News, as well as correspondence about antique radios and radio parts: infradyne receivers, infradyne amplifiers, radio tubes, and transformers. A portion of the correspondence is in response to Reber’s 21 February 1959 letter to the IRE entitled "Negative Feedback of a Third of a Century Ago." Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents.

  • Antique Radio Notes and Papers Unit: This unit includes information about The Antique Wireless Association, Reber’s Antique Wireless Membership Certificate of September 1963, and scattered issues of The Old Timer's Bulletin from 1960 through 1966. Published in the issues are a letter from Reber, mention of his relocation to Australia, announcement of his receipt of the Ellott Cressan medal, and reproduction of a portion of "Early Radio Astronomy at Wheaton, Illinois." A folder of miscellaneous items includes notes, diagrams, charts, graphs, photos of old radios, and one letter from H. Earl Thompson to GR dated 8/21/1956 regarding GR’s purchase of a grebe receiver. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.


Archaeology and Anthropology Series: This series includes correspondence from 23 March 1960 through 18 April 1967. Primary correspondents are Grote Reber, Milton Trautman of Isotopes, Inc., T. A. Rafter and H.S. Jansen of the Institute of Nuclear Science in New Zealand, Harold W. Krueger of Geochron Laboratories, Rhys Jones, Alice Bermingham of the Institute of Applied Science of Victoria, and Kunihiko Kigoshi of Gakushuin University. The correspondence covers Reber's archaeological work in Tasmania: the carbon dating of charcoal fragments taken from South Arm,Hobart; West Point; Grandfather's Beach, Cape Sorell, Macquire Harbour; Arthur River; Woolnorth Point. It also includes notes on kitchen middens, as well as three aerial photos. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents.


Atmospheric Pressure Oscillations Series: This series includes material on Reber's research on atmospheric pressure oscillations over the period 1953-1966, and has been divided into two units:

  • Atmospheric Pressure Oscillations at Haleakala Unit: This unit includes correspondence, papers, and charts from 9 July 1957 through 7 February 1966. Primary correspondents are Grote Reber, Robert L. Pyle, Bernhard Haurwitz, and P. T. Miller. The material covers Reber’s research at Haleakala in preparation for his 1959 paper, Atmospheric Pressure Oscillations Atop Haleakala, and later correspondence regarding it. Materials specifically related to the paper's editorial and publication process are filed in the Publications Series. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents.

  • Atmospheric Pressure Oscillations in Tasmania Unit: This unit includes data, calculations, charts, graphs, barograms, and notes from 1953 through 1967. The material covers Reber’s research at Tasmania in preparation for his 1967 paper, Atmospheric Pressure Oscillations in Tasmania. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents and a list of non-digitized material.


Botany Series: This series includes materials on Reber's discussions of and experiments with Hawaiian beans, scarlet runner beans, boweiea volubles, flinders island vine, smilax, magdalen, dioscorea villosa, brodiaea volubilis, dioscorea cotonfolia, dioscorea sylvatica, asparagus asprogoides, vigna beans, pineapple, marrawah vines, as well as scarlet gum, divaricuta, and willow trees. Dried vines retained by Reber have been discarded. The series is divided into two units:

  • Botany Correspondence Unit: This unit includes correspondence from 17 April 1959 through 20 April 1966. Primary correspondents are Grote Reber, Walter E. Jett, William Guild, C.V.J. Mason, M.H. Bennett, Bruce Holloway, J.P.A. Ridout, T.A. Davis, Noel Roberts, D. Martin, H. Walter, Elizabeth Ann Bartholomew, J. A. Hogan, E.A. Cornish, Dr. Schhlieben, M.H.R. Shipp, J.W. Wishart, John D. Kraus, Percy C. Everett and Otto H. Frankel. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents.

  • Botany Notes and Papers Unit: This unit includes research notes, photocopied journal articles, reprints, newsletters, charts and graphs. Some of the photocopied journal articles are dated 1865, 1881, and 1915, but most materials are from 1959 through 14 March 1967. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents.


Cosmic Rays Series: This series covers Reber’s study of cosmic rays from 1957 through 1966, and includes maps, reprints, data, notes, and other materials. Reber’s original arrangement of materials has been retained. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.


Data Log Books Series: This series includes Reber’s data log books from 1938 through 1949. Folder titles used are the spine titles from Reber’s original three-ring binders. The material covers his research on antenna theory and calculations; dipoles; 480 mc; tube amplifiers; lighthouse tubes; hemisphere antenna data and parts; 160 mc; and sunspot observations. Included are charts, graphs, notes, and some related correspondence. Size: 3.0 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.


Ham Radio Series: This series includes correspondence, papers, notes, newspaper clippings, log files, received QSL cards, and other miscellaneous items related to Reber's involvement with ham radio from 1928-1938. Also included is 1996-1997 correspondence with Kenneth I. Kellermann about the transfer of Rebers W9GFZ call sign to the NRAO Amateur Radio Club. See also the photo of Reber and the Fox River Radio League in the Additional Materials About Reber, Photographs. Size: 0.5 linear feet, plus 3 boxes, 12" x 7.75" x 5.5", containing received QSL cards. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.


Hawaiian Lava Flows and Geology Series: This series includes correspondence, papers, and notes from 3 February 1950 through 7 March 1962. Primary correspondents are Grote Reber; Alexander Spoehr and Kenneth P. Emory of the Bishop Museum; H. R. Crane of the University of Michagan; W. F. Libby of the University of Chicago; Henry L. Kraybill of Yale University; J. Lawrence Kulp of Columbia University; David T. Fleming; Daok C. Cox of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association; Harold S. Palmer; and Howard A. Powers and Robert W. Carpenter of the U.S. Department of the Interior. The material covers Reber's work on several sites in Hawaii: the carbon dating of lava flows, tree moulds, and cinder cones. It also includes maps, as well as notes and information about earthquakes. Size : 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents. Related materials: See the Maui folder in the Brochures, Maps, and Mementos Series for detailed maps and other general information on Haleakala.


Ionosphere Series: This series contains information from 1941 through 1957 about Reber’s ionosphere research. Included in the series are charts, graphs, notes, data, National Bureau of Standards publications, and some correspondence. Reber received his data from Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe, Hawaii, Oceania, and North, South, and Central America. The series has been divided into units.

  • Critical Frequency Survey Unit: This unit includes charts and graphs from 1944 through 1955, as well as one letter from Reber to Rudy Yoshida. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.

  • foF2 Unit: This unit includes charts, graphs, and prints of ionograms from 1944 through 1964. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.

  • Ionosphere Research - General Unit: This unit includes charts, graphs, notes, and ionograms from 1946 through 1957. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.

  • National Bureau of Standards Publications Unit: This unit includes NBS publications from 1940 through 1957. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.

  • Sporadic E Unit: This unit includes charts and graphs from 1951 through 1952. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.

  • Spread F Unit: This unit includes correspondence from 3 September 1953 through 4 June 1958 related to Reber's research on Spread F in Hawaii, Dakar, Rarotonga, and Buenos Aires. Primary correspondents are Grote Reber; J.C.W. Scott of the Defence Research Board in Ottawa, Canada; Captaine Halley of the Service de Prevision Ionospherique Militaire in France; R.W.H. Wright of University College in Nigeria; Harry Wells of the U.S. National Bureau of Standards; W.B. Chadwick of the Carnegie Institute Department of Terrestrial Magnetism; Syun-Ichi Akasofu of the Geophysical Institute of Japan; and Harold D. Babcock of Mt. Wilson and Palomar Observatories. Also included in this unit are Reber's notes and data related to his Spread F research from 1938-1960. Reber received his data from sources in Akita, Baton Rogue, Bombay, Buenos Aires, Campbell Island, Capetown, Christchurch, Coca, Dakar, Delhi, Falkland Islands, Guam, Hawaii, Huancayo, Ibadan, Johannesburg, Khartoum, Madras, Portage la Prairie, Port Lockroy, Rarotonga, San Francisco, San Juan, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Tokyo, Townsville, Trinidad, Triuchirapalli, Wakkanai, Washington, Watheroo, Winnipeg, and Yamagawa. Size: 2.0 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents and a list of non-digitized material.


Lectures Series: This series includes Reber's lecture notes, as well as correspondence, announcements, newspaper clippings, and invitations from 1946 through 1988. Organizations include The American Astronomical Society; the Institute of Radio Engineers; URSI and IRE joint meetings; The Physics Club; The National Bureau of Standards; Sigma Pi Sigma; American Physical Society; CSIRO; the Astronomical Society of Tasmania; the Royal Society of Tasmania; Hobart Biological Society; The National Air and Space Museum; The University of Washington; New Mexico Tech; and The Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science. The text of Reber's Henry Norris Russell lecture on 28 August 1962 is included. The lecture subjects include electronics; cosmic static; solar and cosmic radio waves; galactic and solar waves; radio astronomy history; beans and bean vines; and Tasmanian aborigines. An additional folder added in 2013 contains miscellaneous notes, correspondence, and abstracts from various lectures; material in this folder is dated 1959-1971 and was apparently a working folder from Reber's desk. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents and a list of non-digitized material.


Meteorology Series: This series contains information about Reber's Hawaiian meteorological research, 1941 through 1958, prior to and while living in Hawaii. Locations he studied are Honolulu, Mauna Koa, Mauna Kea, Kole Kole, and Haleakala. Included in the series are charts, graphs, notes, data, newspaper clippings, reprints, journal cuts, correspondence, maps, and photographs. Reber studied altitude, rainfall, clouds, thunderstorms, windspeed, and volcanoes, used Geological Survey Climatological Data and Summaries, and retained his original data on thermograph charts, microbarograph charts, and hygrothermograph charts. Reber’s original arrangement of the collection has been retained. Box and folder titles used are the titles Reber used, and individual folder contents lists have been created and filed at the front of each folder. Size: 6 linear feet plus one drop-front box, 21" x 17" x 3".


Patents Series: This series includes correspondence, notes, papers, drawings, diagrams, patent applications, forms, invoices, and bills from 1944 through 1952 related to Reber’s design of a radio sextant/navigational instrument. Reber’s collection of reprints of patents dated 1929 through 1950 are included, as well as the original United States Patent 2,519,603 for Reber’s Navigational Instrument patented August 22, 1950. Correspondents are Reber and Jules L. Brady, the lawyer who assisted Reber with his patent application. Reber’s original arrangement of materials has been retained. Folder titles used are the titles from Reber’s manila folders. Size: 0.5 linear feet.


Radio Astronomy Series: This series includes materials related to Reber's research in radio astronomy. For material on design and construction of various antennas and antenna arrays built by Reber, see the Antennas Series.

  • 21 cm Development Unit: This unit includes correspondence from 17 November 1945 through 9 August 1950. Primary correspondents are Grote Reber; Sperry Gyroscope, Inc.; General Electric Products, Inc.; General Electric Company; Machlett Laboratories; and Eitel McCullough, Inc. Also included are two folders with various materials: Reber’s notes, diagrams, and graphs from 1942 through 1951; collected reprints; journal cuts; and manufacturers’ brochures about diodes, triodes, tubes, and a voltmeter, relating to Reber’s development of equipment to detect the 21 cm hydrogen line. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents.

  • Attu Expedition Unit: This unit includes Reber’s journal, lists, and charts from 24 August 1950 through 14 September 1950 concerning his expedition to observe a total solar eclipse on the island of Attu at the westernmost end of the Aleutian Islands. Photos from the Attu Expedition are included in the Photographs Series. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents.

  • Esterline Angus Charts Unit: This unit contains boxes of the original Esterline Angus chart recordings for Reber's astronomy research from 1941 through 1958. The Wheaton studies were 160 mc and 480 mc, the Tasmania studies were 20 mc, 30 mc, 50 mc, 100 mc, 160 mc, and 480 mc. Included in the studies were the rising and setting of the sun, Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Taurus, Virgo, Puppis, Centaurus A, Centaurus B., Pictor, and the Triangulum. The data sheets include notes, charts, and graphs. Size: 11.0 linear feet.

  • Hectometer Cosmic Static Unit: This unit contains charts, graphs, and correspondence from 1955 through 1964. Some charts are on 32mm film. The correspondents are Reber, J. L Pawsey, Bart J. Bok, and Bengt Westerlund. (The front of the original folder containing the material reads: "Data at 19.7 mc taken by Charlie Higgins using Shain’s cross in region of south galactic pole August 1960. These results appeared as a small map in paper entitled 'Hectometer Cosmic Static' Trans. IEEE 1964") Size: 1.0 linear feet. Click here for digitized documents and a list of non-digitized material.

  • Magnetic Maps Unit: This unit includes correspondence and magnetic maps collected by Reber when investigating his theory that the best locations for radio astronomy research would be those where the compass readings showed true north. Correspondence is dated 1953. Size: 0.5 linear feet.


Topical Files Series: This series includes Reber materials received as part of the 2008-2009 shipment from Tasmania (see Accession History above) that do not fit well in other series in this collection. The material has been aranged by topic and Reber's original folder titles have been retained. Materials include correspondence, reprints, newspaper clippings, notes, data, brochures, calculations and drawings, and reports. Material in this series is dated 1951-1995. Size: 3.75 linear feet.

  • Cosmology Unit: This unit contains correspondence, articles, newspaper and magazine cuttings,and notes on the Big Bang, Quasars, and cosmological theory. Material is dated 1960-1988. Size: 1 linear feet. Click here for list of non-digitized material.

  • Electric Cars Unit: Material in this unit contains correpondence, newspaper clipping, brochures, calulcations and drawings, and catalogues related to components of electic cars and buses from 1972-1988. Size: 1 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.

  • Health Unit: Material includes Reber's unpublished article, Urine, published notices in outdoor magazines requesting walking statistics from readers, notes, correspondence, and magazine clippings. Material is dated 1967-1995. Size: 0.25 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.

  • Radio Astronomy Unit: Notes, correspondence, reports, reprints, data, and newspaper clippings dated 1951-1986 related to the the funding, management, and performance of U.S. radio astronomy. Size: 1 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.

  • Tasmania House Unit: Material in this unit contains notes, data, drawings, calculcations, graphs, newspaper clippings, and catalogues dated 1972-1992 related to solar heating and energy, outbuildings, and radon. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Click here for a list of non-digitized material.


Brochures, Maps, Mementos, and Objects Series: This series includes maps, brochures, and other promotional tourist and travel information, trip mementos, and objects collected by Reber.

  • Brochures and Maps Unit: This unit includes maps, brochures, informational pamphlets, and promotional materials from Fiji, Hawaii, and Australia. Australian material includes Northern Territory and extensive material on Tasmania. Hawaiian material includes detailed maps and other information on Haleakala. Most material is from the 1950s through 1965, with a few history pamphlets originally written in the 1940s or before. Size: 0.5 linear feet.

  • Mementos Unit: Mementos collected by Reber in his travels, including stationary, airline doilies, cutlery, and other miscellaneous mementos. Size: 0.5 linear feet.

  • Objects Unit: The first shipment of material Reber sent to NRAO from Tasmania in 1994 included many crates of radio and electronic equipment and other objects. The bulk of what was sent remains in Green Bank, with some in storage and some on display at the Science Center. The Archives has one wooden packing crate containing the following (box contents are as originally shipped by Reber): boomerangs, chess/checkers/backgammon game board, thermometer, radiometer, pocket and stop watches, pencil sharpeners, coins, carbon samples, empty containers (shoe polish tins, salt/pepper shakers), framed chart of "Characteristics of the Earth's Atmosphere," check endorsement stamp, souvenir pencils and pens, Wham-O Frisbee, quartz crystals, collections of labels, seals from freight car used to ship Wheaton antenna to Sterling in 1947, many other miscellaneous curios, and one smooth round rock. Size: one wooden box, 24"x22"x15".


Books: Books shipped by Reber in his 1995 shipment of materials, with publication dates ranging from 1886-1991. They are primarily engineering, electrical, electronics, mathematics, and physics texts, but also include general science and other miscellaneous titles. Size: 9.0 linear feet.


Oral History Interviews: Two interviews with Grote Reber at the Wheaton History Center, 660 North Main St., Wheaton IL 60189, USA. Interview no. 1 conducted on 19 October 1985 by Alberta Adamson, Wheaton History Center; transcribed at National Radio Astronomy Observatory by Sheila Marks with assistance from K.I. Kellermann and help from Jeff Reber (nephew of Grote) on spelling of some proper nouns (NRAO Archives has a copy of the original tape, a digitized copy on DVD, and a 13 page typed transcript). Interview no. 2 conducted on 17 June 1995 (NRAO Archives has a copy of the original tape and a digitized copy on DVD). Interviews cover Reber's family history, his childhood and youth in Wheaton, and some of his early work in radio astronomy; the 1995 interview includes discussion about materials, including photographs that Reber was donating to the Center. Owning repository for both interviews: Wheaton History Center; material may not be copied, and permission to quote must be obtained from Wheaton History Center. Interviews are filed with box 1 of Additional materials about Reber. See also the Papers of Woodruff T. Sullivan III for Sullivan's extensive interviews with Reber, 195 minutes in 1975 and 90 minutes in 1978.


Additional Materials about Reber: These materials are about Reber but were not created or collected by him. Click here for digitized documents and a list of non-digitized material.

Included are:

  • Biographical materials - notes: This group includes obituaries, biographical information, articles about Reber, etc. The majority of the material was collected by Kenneth I. Kellermann. Also included are Kellermann's photographs of Reber; Kellermann's correspondence with him, including correspondence with Reber and others between 1981 and 1999 about shipment of Reber materials to NRAO in Green Bank WV; Kellermann's notes and materials from his visits to the DuPage County [Illinois] Historical Museum and the Wheaton [Illinois] History Center in September 1999. See also the dvd of a 1987 talk by John D. Kraus called "Grote Reber: Founder of Radio Astronomy," with the Papers of John D. Kraus.

  • Family documents: Family documents from 1832-1860 include Reber's grandfather's birth record, military exemption, traveling permit from Germany to America, and naturalization record, birth record for H.W. and W.H. Grote, and deed for property in Illinois. Originals of all documents except the deed were given to Jeffrey Reber, Grote Reber's nephew, in August 2008. Color copies of the originals were retained in the Archives.

  • Correspondence copies from National Archives of Australia: Copies of 4 items of correspondence with Joseph L. Pawsey, 1947-1953, from the National Archives of Australia (C3830 A1/1/1). Material from National Archives of Australia may not be copied, and permission to quote must be obtained from them.

  • Correspondence copies from Reber materials still in Tasmania: Copies of correspondence dated 1955-2001, copied by Kenneth I. Kellermann from materials still in Tasmania. Topic covered include Reber publications, donations to Canadian astronomy, correspondence with family and friends, hectometer observations, ionospheric hole, and miscellaneous correspondence. Size: 0.25 linear feet.

  • Correspondence with Brock McMillan: 1999 correspondence about very low frequency astronomy, donated by Tony Tyson. Size: 1 folder. Click here for pdf.

  • Grote Reber: Wildcat Astronomer: TV program about Reber and his work, the first episode in an Australian Broadcasting Company series of documentaries on the lives and work of important scientists. Recorded 26 August 1979. 2 DVD copies, 1 video in PAL format.

  • Photographs of Reber: Photographs of Reber taken by various people, including Kenneth I. Kellermann and Martin George, from approximately 1970 up to his death. Includes photo of Reber and the Fox River Radio League. Click here for digitized photos of Reber.

  • Memorial Service to Celebrate the Life of Dr. Grote Reber: Service held on 11 January 2003. 2 DVD copies, 1 VHS copy.

  • Reber House Inventory: Detatiled photo inventory of materials in Reber's house, taken in May 2003 as part of the estate inventory process.

  • Haleakala Photos: Photos taken by David Jauncey on Haleakala. November 2005 photos show Reber's block house and the remains of the azimuth track of his Haleakala telescope antenna ring. May 2006 photos were taken at the ceremony placing a small container of Reber's ashes in the block house.

  • Demolition of Reber Circle on Haleakala: Reports on the demolition of the Reber Circle on 3 December 2012.

  • Tasmanian Array Control House: Photos taken by Martin George in October 2004 showing the relocation of the control building for Reber's 2 MHz Tasmanian array from beside Reber's home in Bothwell, Tasmania, to University of Tasmania's Mt. Pleasant Observatory in Cambridge, Tasmania.

    The control house is now a part of the Grote Reber Museum, dedicated 19 January 2008. Click here for an audio tour of the museum, an ABC Radio National program from 12 June 2008.


Unprocessed Materials Still in Tasmania

Materials in Tasmania include papers and correspondence, as well as radio and electronic equipment, Reber's electric car, books, journals, and personal effects. The materials are not currently accessible, and no specifics on size of the collection are available. The NRAO Archives has a copy of the Significance Assessment of the Grote Reber Museum Collection, August 2012, prepared by Annette Welkamp, which describes the archival materials and objects held by the Museum.
